Service Disruption Details

ID: 22041

Type: Unplanned

PHONES: issue when diverting to personal mobile number – A small number of people have reported issues when diverting their desk phone to their mobile phone. If you are diverting to a mobile, please ensure the divert works by placing a test call (and answering). DIT is investigating the issue, and would ask that anyone experiencing this issue to please contact the Service Desk.

Customers affected:
CSU Staff

Other ways to access this service:

Start Date: 05-Sep-2017 16:15

End Date

Staff: Service Desk on 84357 or 1300 653 088
Students: Student Central on 1800 ASK CSU (1800 275 278)

Status: current

Email(s) Sent: Student Central, Division of IT

Submission ID: pdrake

Incident Coordinator: Paul Drake