
Lexis Nexis Prize (Business Organisations Law; Albury)

This prize is administered by the Faculty of Business

FBB 11/108 on 21/11/2011


The student enrolled in the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) course on the Albury campus, who achieves the highest mark in LAW220: Business Organisations Law, undertaken through the School of Accounting.


Must be enrolled in the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) course.


The Prize packages are valued at around $5,000.00 and will consist of a 6-month subscription to the following online resources: -Halsbury's Laws of Australia, a comprehensive legal encyclopaedia; -Australian Current Law, which functions as an updater to Halsbury's, as well as being a notifier of superior court cases and legislative changes; -Casebase Case Citator, a citator, annotator and bibliographic reference; -Unreported Judgments, with the full text judgments of all recent superior court judgments; -Commonwealth, Victorian and NSW Status Annotations and Queensland Legislation Case Annotations, giving details of amending Acts and case annotations; and -An inscribed certificate issued by the University.

Certificate text

for the student enrolled in the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) course on the Albury campus, who achieved the highest mark in LAW220: Business Organisations Law, undertaken through the School of Accounting.

Faculty/School Administration Contact

Please contact the Faculty of Business for further information.

CASIMS Prize code

