
Western District, Family and Community Services (FACS) and Charles Sturt University (CSU) Social Work Prize $1000

This prize is administered by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences

EA on 16/9/2014


1. Final year Social Work , BSW or MSW (pq) Student graduating. 2. Successfully completed 2nd prac in a regional/remote location in NSW with FACS or with a funded community partner in the non-government sector working with children, adults, families and communities.


The prize recipient will have best demonstrated the integration of theory and regional practice, creating local solutions tailored to meet local needs especially in relation to care and protection issues with particular focus on breaking rather then managing disadvantage. The prize winning student must have demonstrated self insight and have been able to reflect on their practices in such a way that allowed them to move towards best practice in their interactions with children and families.



Certificate text

Awarded to the highest achieving student who has undertaken their final Social Work practicum in a regional/remote location in NSW with FACS or with a funded community partner in the non-government sector working with children, adults, families and communities to improve lives and realise potential.

Faculty/School Administration Contact

Please contact the School of Humanities and Social Sciences for further information.

CASIMS Prize code

