
Australian Society of Archivists - Margaret Jennings Award

This prize is administered by the Faculty of Arts and Education

AEFB 17/110 on 17/10/2017


Students with the highest GPA average of the Records and Archives Management subjects in either the Bachelor of Information Studies (with Specialisations) and/or the Master of Information Studies (with Specialisations) courses


Graduating from any of the following courses: Bachelor of Information Studies (Records and Archives Management) or Master of Information Studies (Records and Archives Management)


The prize will be $300 per annum and an inscribed certificate issued by the Australian Society of Archivists.

Certificate text

for the graduating student attaining the highest academic achievement (GPA) for a course accredited by the Australian Society of Archivists.

Faculty/School Administration Contact

Please contact the Faculty of Arts and Education for further information.

CASIMS Prize code

