
The Dr John Kinross Prize for Proficiency in Dental Ethics & Professional Responsibility (Year 5)

This prize is administered by the School of Dentistry and Health Sciences

Approved by Dean


The prize will be awarded to the graduating student who has exhibited outstanding levels of ethics and professionalism throughout the five years within the subject as listed. The prize winner must be a graduating student who has not repeated or failed a year or subject within the Bachelor of Dental Science, nor enrolled with a reduced subject load.


Enrolment in the Bachelor of Dental Science


A monetary value of $500.00 plus an appropriate memento as deemed by the Australian Dental Association (ADA) NSW Branch

Certificate text

For the graduating student enrolled in the Bachelor of Dental Science, who is deemed to have exhibited outstanding levels of ethics and professionalism throughout the five years.

Faculty/School Administration Contact

Please contact the School of Dentistry and Health Sciences for further information.

CASIMS Prize code

