
CBH Group Prize in Commodity Pricing Management

This prize is administered by the School of Agricultural and Wine Sciences

FBSC 16/71 on 8/6/2016


For the student who has performed outstandingly and achieved the top grade in the second year Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management subject titled AGB351 Commodity Trade and Pricing


The student must have been enrolled in the subject: AGB351 Commodity Trade and Pricing The student must be enrolled in the course: Bachelor of Agricutlural Business Management at the Muresk Campus of the Central Regional TAFE


The prize with be to the value of $1,000 cash An inscribed University Certificate

Certificate text

To the student who has performed outstandingly in the second year Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management subject AGB351 Commodity Trade and Pricing

Faculty/School Administration Contact

Please contact the School of Agricultural and Wine Sciences for further information.

CASIMS Prize code

