Service Disruption Details

ID: 21638

Type: Planned

CATEGORY 4 THIN CLIENT (TERMINAL SERVER) will be unavailable to external staff members. This is due to updating software SPSS Amos and Statistics to version 24. DIT apologise for the inconvenience.

Customers affected:
Only external staff members who use this environment will be affected.

Other ways to access this service:
Category 1 and 2 Thin Client will still be available; unfortunately it can be only accessed if there is a connection to the CSU network.

Start Date: 12-Jul-2017 18:00

End Date: 12-Jul-2017 20:00

Staff: Service Desk on 84357 or 1300 653 088
Students: Student Central on 1800 ASK CSU (1800 275 278)

Status: concluded

Email(s) Sent: Student Central, Division of IT

Submission ID: grobin15

Incident Coordinator: Greg Robinson.