
Ben Symons Animal Science Fellowship Prize 2nd Year

This prize is administered by the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences

FBSC 16/71 on 8/6/2016


Students must display fellowship and leadership skills in their Animal Science community via their involvement in Animal Science-based student organisations and/or SAVS organisations that better their fellow peers and their university/school community.


- Students must be in their 2nd year of the Bachelor of Animal Science and a member of an Animal Science based student organisation and/or School of Animal and Veterinary Science organisation including:- - Animal Science Association - as a committee member or year representative and/or - Member on the SAVS Student Staff Liaison committee as a student representative for Animal Science students. and/or -Student must also show a genuine interest for Animal Science and be dedicated to fulfilling a career in Animal Science. and/or - Member of the ICMJ Team. and/or - Committee member of the approaching Agriculture fair and/or - Participant in the National Merino Challenge


An inscribed certificate from the University and a payment of $250.00

Certificate text

Fellowship and commitment to Animal Science during the second year of the Bachelor of Animal Science.

Faculty/School Administration Contact

Please contact the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences for further information.

CASIMS Prize code

