No offerings have been identified for this subject in 2017

BIO115 Microbiology (8)


The subject provides an introduction to the different types of microorganisms in our environment, methods of cultivation and control of microbial growth. Microscopy, staining and aseptic techniques are emphasised in practical sessions. Students will be able to specialise in either food or wine microbiology.

+ Subject Availability Modes and Location

Continuing students should consult the SAL for current offering details prior to contacting their course coordinator: BIO115
Where differences exist between the handbook and the SAL, the SAL should be taken as containing the correct subject offering details.

Subject information

Duration Grading System School:
One sessionHD/FLSchool of Agricultural and Wine Sciences

Assumed Knowledge

BIO100 or BIO126

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
* explain the structure and function of microorganisms
* explain the means by which microorganisms can be cultivated and assayed
* explain the means by which the growth of microorganisms can be controlled
* explain the principles of sanitation
* identify the organisms associated with fermentations and factors affecting their growth, particularly in the wine industry
* describe the microorganisms associated with diseases of plants
* explain the role of microorganisms in waste treatment
* describe the microorganisms associated with food intoxication and food infections
* explain the role of microorganisms in the production of food


The subject will cover the following topics:
Students must complete Module 1 (Core Microbiology) and: EITHER Module 2 (Wine Science and Viticulture) OR Module 3 (Food and Applied Microbiology). Module 1: Core Microbiology * The microbial world and you * Observing microorganisms through a microscope * Functional anatomy of procaryotic and eucaryotic cells * Microbial growth * Control of microbial growth * Characterisation of bacteria * Viruses * Mycology - the study of fungi * Principles of sanitation Module 2: Food and Applied Microbiology * Microbes and food * Microbial biotechnology and industrial microbiology * Environmental microbiology Module 3: Wine Microbiology * An introduction to the types and roles of microorganisms found in wines * Yeasts: Classification and growth during wine fermentation * Bacteria involved in winemaking * Control of microorganisms in winemaking

Residential School

This subject contains a compulsory 4 day residential school. A 4 day compulsory Residential School is scheduled which illustrates the properties of microorganisms in the laboratory and also provides practical experience in manipulating and identifying microorganisms.


The information contained in the 2017 CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: 25 August 2017. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.