
Aus Psych Soc Wstrn Regional Group Prize for Excellence in an Applied Psych Subject

This prize is administered by the Faculty of Arts

FBA 12/64 on 23/8/2012


The student who achieves the most outstanding results in the above applied psychology subject, and whose primary place of residence is in the Western Region of NSW. It is important to point out that the Western Region Group of APS does not wish to imply that being a Psychologist is just about testing, but to recognise the reward for professional potential as evidenced in an essentially applied subject.


Enrolment in PSY404 Psychological Assessment.


The Prize will be a book voucher to the value of $100, a one year membership subscription to the Australian Psychological Society and an inscribed certificate issued by the University.

Certificate text

for the student who achieves the most outstanding results in the subject PSY404 Psychological Assessment and whose primary place of residence is in the Western Region of NSW

Faculty/School Administration Contact

Please contact the Faculty of Arts for further information.

CASIMS Prize code

