No offerings have been identified for this subject in 2015

NRS194 Indigenous Cultures, Health and Nursing (8)


The Cultural Respect Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health 2004-2009', issued by the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council states, "The Cultural Framework is not another tool for building cross-cultural competency. It is an overarching framework that recognises that a concerted effort across a number of dimensions is required to systematically lift the cultural competency of mainstream health services (Professionals)". This subject therefore aims to develop understanding of the historical and cultural backgrounds and the associated implications for the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in contemporary Australia. Consideration will also be given to culturally appropriate communication strategies and health care behaviours that increase the capacity of nurse clinicians to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the lifespan in various health care settings. Students will be required to undertake an 80 hour clinical placement in a primary health care setting which may include Aboriginal medical service, community health, NSW Outback Division of General Health.

+ Subject Availability Modes and Location

Continuing students should consult the SAL for current offering details prior to contacting their course coordinator: NRS194
Where differences exist between the handbook and the SAL, the SAL should be taken as containing the correct subject offering details.

Subject information

Duration Grading System School:
One sessionHD/FLSchool of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health

Enrolment restrictions

Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedic)
Incompatible subject(s)

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
- be able to outline and apply the principles of the Cultural Respect Framework in a variety of nursing and health care settings;
- be able to demonstrate an understanding of reflective practice within the context of Indigenous health and nursing;
- be able to explore and evaluate personal values and beliefs through reflective practice about their own culture and about Indigenous Australian culture;
- be able to discuss historical and cultural backgrounds of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
- be able to examine legislation, policies and practices that have impacted on the identity, culture and health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
- be able to articulate relationships between historical, cultural, legislative, policy and practice factors that affect the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and implications for nursing and health care provision;
- be able to discuss and analyse the range of health care services utilised by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
- be able to discuss the role of nurses and other health care professionals in designing and implementing health care activities that will improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
- be able to describe culturally sensitive communication strategies and behaviours that increase the capacity of nurses to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in primary, secondary and tertiary health care settings;
- be able to explore collaborative models of health care in rural and remote area nursing.


The subject will cover the following topics:
1. History, Culture and Colonisation
(a) Dispossession
(b) Segregation
(c) Assimilation/Integration
(d) Dreaming

2. Contemporary Indigenous Australia
(a) Family and social relationships
(b) The Stolen Generation
(c) Reconciliation

3. Race, Racism and Health Care
(a) Stereotypes, images, myths, metaphors and discourse
(b) Racism/discrimination in health services
(c) Access and barriers to nursing and health services
(d) Difference/racism/otherness/discrimination

4. Cultural Respect Framework
(a) Cultural respect
(b) Holistic approach
(c) Responsive health services
(d) Community controlled health services
(d) Intersectoral planning and development
(f) Community participation and local planning
(g) Health promotion
(h) Community capacity building for health service development

5. Cultural Safety
(a) The concept of cultural safety
(b) Implications of nursing and health care
(d) Disempowerment
(d) Privilege and power in health care
(e) Participation and decision making in health care
(f) Professional culture - values and assumptions
(g) Empowerment

6. Communication strategies and health care behaviours
(a) Communication
(i) Cross cultural communication
(ii) Case-based scenarios in nursing and health care
(iii) Respect/reconciliation

(b) Optimising self-responsibility and family/community involvement
(i) Family/community involvement in decision making and care
(ii) Family/community involvement in health care planning and community development

7. Health care service delivery - policy
(a) Health policies and implications for nursing and health service provision
(b) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce and development: AHW training; Council of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses (ATSIN); Aboriginal Mental Health Workforce
(c) Building Aboriginal health workforce capacity

8. Health care service delivery models: Metropolitan, urban, rural and remote
(a) Indigenous understandings of health, well-being and illness
(b) Traditional medicine and health, spiritual healing
(c) Access and barriers to nursing and health services
(d) Primary Health Care Services
(i) National Aboriginal Health Strategy
(ii) Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations; Utopia, Congress
(iii) Aboriginal Medical Services

9. Collaborative Health Care and Vision
(a) The primary health care approach
(b) Working together - two-way medicine
(c) Rural and remote nursing
(d) Indigenous health care: Looking forward

10. Future Directions in Indigenous Health
(a) Policies to improve Indigenous health
(b) A Human Rights approach
(c) Identification of Aboriginal and TSI peoples community strengths and trust, fairer distribution of infrastructure to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples'communities

Work Place Learning

This subject contains a Compulsory Workplace Learning component of 10 days duration. Students required to undertake an indigenous health placement.


The information contained in the 2015 CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: 01 October 2015. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.