Charles Sturt’s commitment to Accessibility

Charles Sturt University is committed to providing timely, accurate and accessible information and resources to all students and staff, regardless of age, ethnicity or disability. We aim to achieve this by:

  1. Referencing Web Accessibility in the Web Policy
  2. Establishing and publishing clear guidelines for best practice accessible website design based on conformity to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0), striving for AA compliance.
  3. Expecting all web content editors to monitor accessibility conformity regularly within their areas of responsibility.
  4. Ensuring all staff have an awareness of accessibility guidelines and practices, and that they know how to apply them to everyday web content editing and content creation
  5. Promoting accessibility practices throughout the University and its community
  6. Through the Web Office actively monitoring web accessibility and providing advice for remediation.

Limitations of our site’s accessibility

Whilst we strive for WCAG2.0 AA there are some instances where users may have difficulty, these are as follows:

  • Some websites may use third party components, or are provided as third party systems that may not be fully accessible or compliant
  • Our websites often contain downloadable PDF or other documents. Not all of these will have been tested or remediated for accessibility compliance
  • All new rich media is required to contain captions with a transcript however older rich media may not, nor may they have an alternative audio track.