Charles Sturt University
CRES Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society


CRES grant applications are currently closed.

CRES grants are available to adjuncts of the ACC&C, the CSU School of Theology and CISAC.

Publication Assistance Grant

The Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society (CRES)  has a limited amount of University funding available for grants to assist adjuncts of the ACC&C, CSU School of Theology and CISAC to meet publication expenses that will result in research outcomes in theology and religious studies.


Applications for up to $5,000 may be submitted by adjuncts of the ACC&C, CSU School of Theology and CISAC under the Publication Assistance Grant program to help cover the costs of proofreading, indexing and other research related expenses.

Note: Grants will only be awarded for monographs, co-authored books and edited volumes (where the applicant is an editor) that are under contract.

Funding levels vary each year and the number of competing applications will impact on the level of funds available for distribution to applicants.

Successful applicants will be required to acknowledge the support of CRES in their publication.

Conference Attendance Grant

The Centre for Religion Ethics and Society (CRES) has a limited amount of University funding available for grants to assist adjuncts of the ACC&C, CSU School of Theology and CISAC to attend conferences at which they are giving papers that will enhance their research and teaching in the fields of theology and religious studies.


Applications for up to $3,000 for international conferences and up to $1,500 for domestic conferences may be submitted by adjuncts of the ACC&C, CSU School of Theology and CISAC to help with the costs of travel and accommodation. Funding levels vary each year and the number of competing applications will impact on the level of funds available for distribution to applicants.

Successful applicants will be required to acknowledge the support of CRES in any resulting publications.

Conference Hosting Grant

The Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society (CRES)  has a limited amount of University funding available for grants to assist adjuncts of the ACC&C, CSU School of Theology and CISAC to meet publication expenses that will result in research outcomes in theology and religious studies.


Applications for up to $5,000 may be submitted by adjuncts of the ACC&C, CSU School of Theology and CISAC under the Publication Assistance Grant program to help cover the costs of proofreading, indexing and other research related expenses.

Note: Grants will only be awarded for monographs, co-authored books and edited volumes (where the applicant is an editor) that are under contract.

Funding levels vary each year and the number of competing applications will impact on the level of funds available for distribution to applicants.

Successful applicants will be required to acknowledge the support of CRES in their publication.