GPM707 Research Methods (32)


This subject will provide students with a critical understanding of the theoretical approaches to applied social research so they can develop a research proposal that they will use for their doctoral dissertation (in the case of GPM711), or to help them write-up the analysis/exegesis for their portfolio (in the case of GPM710).

+ Subject Availability Modes and Location

Session 1
InternalManly Campus
DistanceManly Campus
Session 2
InternalManly Campus
DistanceManly Campus
Continuing students should consult the SAL for current offering details: GPM707
Where differences exist between the Handbook and the SAL, the SAL should be taken as containing the correct subject offering details.

Subject information

Duration Grading System School:
Two sessionsHD/FLAustralian Graduate School of Policing and Security

Assumed Knowledge

Knowledge of applied social research at honours or masters degree level.

Enrolment restrictions

Restricted to students enrolled in the Doctor of Police Leadership or the Doctor of Policing and Security.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
  • move from identifying an investigative issue to formulating a researchable question;
  • understand and compare different research processes and methodologies in order to enable you to conduct your own research;
  • demonstrate your ability to plan a research project; and
  • demonstrate your ability to carry-out independent research in the future.


The subject will cover the following topics:
  • - research methodologies
  • - crafting research questions/hypotheses
  • - conducting and writing a literature review
  • - developing a research proposal
  • - gaining Human Research Ethics Committee approval for a research proposal.

Residential School

This subject contains a optional 2 day residential school. Students will be offered the opportunity to attend a one-to-two day residential workshop on research methods which is conducted at the AGSP each year as an introduction topic.


The information contained in the 2016 CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: 06 September 2016. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.