No offerings have been identified for this subject in 2016

VIT404 Vine Health (PG) (8)


This subject is designed to build on the topics taught in the undergraduate Grape and Wine Science subjects, in the areas of vine pathology and entomology. An understanding of how these relate to vineyard management and grape quality management will be discussed. Topics will discuss the diseases and pests commonly found throughout vineyards and will consider the different control measures available. The correct identification and understanding of the pest lifecycle will impact on the success of control options. An important part of any vineyard management system is to be able to integrate different control measures, such as biological, cultural and chemical. This subject commences in session 1 and concludes in session 2. Students must enrol in both sessions 1 and 2. It is not possible to commence this subject in session 2.

+ Subject Availability Modes and Location

Continuing students should consult the SAL for current offering details prior to contacting their course coordinator: VIT404
Where differences exist between the handbook and the SAL, the SAL should be taken as containing the correct subject offering details.

Subject information

Duration Grading System School:
Two sessionsHD/FLSchool of Agricultural and Wine Sciences

Enrolment restrictions

Incompatible subject(s)

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
  • be able to accurately identify the basic principles underlying grapevine health
  • be able to demonstrate and describe recognition and identification of the symptoms of pests and diseases of grapevine
  • be able to demonstrate the use of microbiological tools to identify organisms occurring on grapevines
  • be able to analyse and explain the biology and epidemiology of pests and diseases of grapevine
  • be able to demonstrate and discuss the economic impact of pests and diseases on grapevine yield and wine quality
  • be able to demonstrate how to apply various methods to control pests and diseases of grapevine
  • be able to describe and discuss the role of vineyard management practices (irrigation, canopy management, rootstock selection, floor management) on vine health
  • be able to accurately explain how to incorporate and apply an integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) program into vineyards
  • be able to accurately explain the principles and theory of spray application
  • be able to accurately identify and explain documentation relating to current legislation dealing with Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) and withholding periods for agrochemicals
  • be able to accurately identify current legislation dealing with the handling and storage of agrochemicals
  • be able to critically evaluate scientific literature relating to vine health
  • be able to apply results and present data in the form of scientific reports


The subject will cover the following topics:
  • Principles of vineyard entomology: introduction to the major pests in vineyards; identification; symptoms and damage; biology and epidemiology of major grapevine pests and their control
  • Principles of vineyard pathology: diseases of grapevine; disease lifecycles; biology and epidemiology and control methods
  • Control: IPDM; agrochemicals used to manage pests and diseases in viticulture; mode of action and resistance to agrochemicals; biological control; cultural control
  • Pesticide management in vineyards: spray application; regulatory obligations; best practice pesticide management

Residential School

This subject contains a compulsory 3 day residential school. A residential school is required to:
  1. develop practical field and laboratory skills to assess and identify pests and diseases associated with grapevines
  2. reinforce the principles of the theory component of the subject


The information contained in the 2016 CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: 14 April 2016. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.