Staff information

Advice on Copyright

Most of the information and advice provided on this website has been prepared in consultation with Universities Australia (UA) and Baker and McKenzie, a law firm in Sydney that advises UA on copyright matters. CSU Staff are urged to rely on this advice, which reflects the rights of copyright users such as universities, rather than advice obtained from other professional copyright bodies.

Further Advice

Staff who need advice on copyright matters that are not covered on this website should contact the CSU Copyright Coordinator.
Phone: 1 800 275 278

CSU Specific advice [requires CSU login]

ELMO online Copyright Compliance training

The Copyright for Teaching at Charles Sturt University course provides basic information about copying, communicating and linking to resources for teaching purposes that complies with Open Access, Commercial and Statutory licencing and demonstrates Charles Sturt University’s commitment to copyright compliance.

All staff can self-enrol in the course, just log-in to ELMO learning:

  • select Learning from the menu on the left
  • select the Course Catalogue tab
  • type Copyright in the search box
  • and select Copyright for Teaching at Charles Sturt University
  • Click Enrol.

Copyright Material

Most copyright material can be classified as print and graphic material or audiovisual material. Copyright material may be copied and/or communicated by universities under licences granted by the Copyright Act 1968 (the Statutory Licences).

Statutory Licences

Under the Statutory Licences the University may copy and communicate copyright material provided it does so for educational purposes and abides by the other limitations on copying and communicating imposed by the Licences.

Print and Graphic Copying and Communication

Print and graphic copying includes copying from literary works (books, periodicals), dramatic works, musical works and artistic works and/or digitising that material. Print and graphic communication is the electronic transmission of the copied material (eg as an email attachment, or online on eReserve).

Section 113P of the Copyright Act allows the University to copy and communicate, under licence for educational purposes, copyright print and graphic material subject to strict limitations. No records need to be kept of the print and graphic copying done at the University. Payment for this copying is made to Copyright Agency (CA) (the collecting agency) under an agreement. The cost of the licence is met from a central University account.

Audio Visual Copying and Communication

Audiovisual copying includes copying television and radio material off-air, off-cable, from satellite or from the broadcasters website. Audiovisual communication is the electronic transmission of the copied material (eg as an email attachment, or online).

Section 113P of the Copyright Act allows the University to copy and communicate, under licence for educational purposes, off-air broadcast audiovisual material. The cost of the Licence is met from a central University account.

Digital Resources

Students can be given access to legitimate online material, eBooks, electronic journal articles and audiovisual material by providing hyperlinks.