Auditing and restocking of first aid kit supplies

Checking and auditing first aid kits

The First Aid Kit Checklist and Order Form lists the supplies that are required to be in each kit, based on legislation and code of practice. Additional items should be discussed with and approved by the Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing prior to being included in kits.

The nominated First Aid Officers are responsible for maintaining the kits in their area.  Quarterly checks are to be completed according to the following schedule:

Check/Audit #Schedule
Check #1 To be completed in the first quarter each year.  Check is to be completed no later than 31 March.
Check #2 To be completed in the second quarter each year.  Check is to be completed no later than 30 June.
Check #3 To be completed in the third quarter each year.  Check is to be completed no later than 30 September.
Check #4 To be completed in the fourth quarter each year.  Check is to be completed no later than 24 December.

A copy of the completed First Aid Kit Checklist and Order Form should be maintained locally, by the nominated First Aid Officer, for audit purposes.

Ordering first aid supplies

Supplies are ordered through the current First Aid stock supplier.  The Administrative team from the relevant area can assist with this process.  Supplies are costed to the Division of Safety, Security and Wellbeing First Aid budget code: A102-6511-420-63075.

Any decision to provide additional first aid equipment not listed in the First Aid Kit Checklist should be based on a risk assessment, with approval sought from the Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing,