Transporting injured or sick staff, students and visitors

Serious or life-threatening illness or injury

If somebody has a serious illness or injury, you should contact your nearest first aid officer. If they think the casualty needs an ambulance, they should:

  • dial 000 (from a fixed line phone) or 112 (from a mobile phone)
    • ask for an ambulance
    • describe the nature of the illness or injury
    • state the number of casualties
    • describe the location of the casualty, and place to meet the ambulance
  • arrange for security to meet the ambulance.

Do not transport seriously injured or ill staff or visitors in your own personal vehicle.

Where the illness or injury is not serious or life-threatening

If the illness or injury is not serious, the injured or sick person may:

  • arrange for a family member or friend to collect them
  • transport themselves home or to the doctor in their own vehicle, if well enough.

Note: when an injured person cannot wear a seat belt, you must call an ambulance.