Current Campaigns

Did you know?

  • 2 out of 3 students who study at Charles Sturt University remain to work in regional Australia.
  • Charles Sturt is one of the largest providers of agricultural education in Australia.
  • The Federal Government provides 40% of Charles Sturt's required operating funds.
  • The cost of accommodation, books, protective clothing and HECS amounts to $16,000 per year for every vet student

Over the next two years, construction of major facilities to support the Charles Sturt veterinary science program will be undertaken and the Veterinary Science Foundation has embarked on its first capital appeal to enable industry and community support for these significant projects. Every tax deductible donation, large or small, to either the capital appeal or other current opportunities will assist the next generation of veterinary science practitioners through scholarships, capital works, text books, uniforms and other initiatives.

More information on the capital appeal.

Information on other current opportunities to support Charles Sturt Veterinary Science students.

Make a tax deductible donation to the Charles Sturt Veterinary Science Foundation.