Common questions and known issues

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Common questions

If the subject has MSS or WPL in a green chip beside the name, it means that it is a Multi Session subject (MSS) or Workplace Learning Subject (WPL).

A: If the form has been fully approved, someone with the HOS role needs to visit the form and reverse the approval. If the form has not been fully approved then the current role can simply select the “Return To …” button to send it back. (For example: in the Moderation & Grades form, if the Convenor and Moderator have completed their parts, but SAC has not given the final approval, the SAC can return to either Convenor or Moderator.)

The Subjects Team enter the subject convenors and moderators via ACSES (Academic Course and Subject Entry System) based on information from the Head of School.

Due dates on the home page indicate when the work is to be completed.

In most cases, the submit/approve buttons have not been clicked. If you have clicked the appropriate button, and the subject does not appear as signed off, please log a job in Cherwell for support.

This is because the form is not yet in the MODERATOR state. The convenor needs to complete all their mandatory fields prior to submitting the form to the moderator. Until this happens, your questions are greyed out. When the convenor completes their fields and submits this form to all moderators, you will receive an email stating this form is now ready for your input.

If the whole subject is going to be ready on time, you are recommended to wait for all cohorts to be ready (and for the form to be in MODERATOR state). If some cohorts will be delayed, then tick some subject declarations early so at least some cohorts can be transferred. Note: the whole cohort TA section at the bottom is a place for the convenor to record if something is likely to be late.

A: The form progress report (aka Sign-Off Status Report) provides an overview of all subjects in the School, what stage they are in and the dates when each form was completed. A HOS or Admin person can produce this report to find out the progress for each subject and help manage the process.

A: All subjects except non-Coursework research subjects are required to be moderated each session. Multi session subjects only need to be moderated once in each delivery.

A. A multi-session or year-long subject uses all forms from the intake session.

The Subject Validation due dates will depend on the intake session and the form will appear in the list for the first session of delivery. The Moderation & Grades and Reflection & Planning forms will have due dates dependent on the final session.

Please see Multi-session or Year-long subjects for further information.

A. If your students do not complete their placements within the time frame of the session the subject is delivered in and you do not have all grades completed by the first SAC meeting, please follow the directions below.

  • As convenor, fill in the ‘whole cohort TA’ in the Moderation and Grades form adding a comment explaining why the cohort will not be completed on time, and selecting a conversion date to get an extension on filling in the Moderation and Grades form (WPL should already be there as a reason). This will suppress the reminders until the extended date.
  • In the reflection and planning, you can wait until the information is available which can mean waiting some time even up to the next SAC meeting. The reminders will come, but they can be ignored as these already state WPL subjects are likely to be on a different time scale.

WPL subjects can have a much different timescale and so will be reported separately.

Yes, all honours subjects are moderated. Coursework within honours should be considered a normal subject and so moderated like most other subjects in a school.

Please see Assessment Policy, Assessment - Conduct of Coursework Assessment and Examinations Procedure and Course and Subject Quality Assurance and Review Procedure for further information.

Known Issues and work-arounds

  • CASIMS/CDAP Tags (including Workplace learning (WPL) subjects; and SIAS hybrid subjects): If a CDAP profile used to have a CASIMS tag(s) but then all are deleted, QUASAR will still think the tag(s) exists. This is based on a limitation of the integration between CASIMS/CDAP and QUASAR. It happens rarely. Work-around: ignore the messages generated by the tag. If the WPL question appears incorrectly, just add a comment that subject is no longer a WPL subject.
  • Moderation and Grades question 2 table: If the assessment items for the different cohorts are not the same, then the weights displaying in the table may be incorrect. See tool tip for that question for details.
  • Grade Distributions:
    • If there are no marks and no override grade for a student they will not appear in the grade distribution. Work-around: use an “administrative override” grade (most likely an FNS (fail – non submission; from 202090) or FW (fail withdrawn)).
    • If the cumulative mark column refers to another ‘total’ column then the grade distribution can be wrong. For example, if an assessment item consists of 10 quizzes and you have created a total column for those 10, and included that total in the cumulative mark; then the grade distribution will ignore that column in its calculation. Work-around: in the cumulative mark column include all the base columns directly (in the example, include all 10 columns directly).
    • If “Exempt Grade” is used in Administrative Override column and there was a grade entered before being exempted, then the underlying grade is still used. Work-around: delete grade before exempting or do not exempt Administrative Override column at all (use the Grade Notes instead). Note: grade transfer may be incorrect if not changed.
    • If a “Manual Override” is used in the Administrative Override column, then the grade will be ignored. Fix: delete grade and retype in directly. Note: grade transfer is correct regardless.
    • If using Discussions to allocate marks, the ‘do not participate’ feature is not recognised by the Grade Distribution calculator and grades may appear lower than what they are.
    • If the grade centre uses a ‘weighted total column’ then the grade distributions will incorrectly consider it as a ‘total column’ (ignoring the weights). Either avoid using these columns OR use the ‘admin override’ column to correct the distribution in QUASAR.
    • If the ‘cumulative mark’ or ‘admin override’ columns incorrectly have the option ‘include this column in Grade Center calculations’ incorrectly set to No, then the columns are invisible to QUASAR and the distributions will be incorrect. This incorrect option can lead to other issues with grades too.