How to use QUASAR

This page provides an overview of the different roles and forms in the QUASAR system.

Getting started

Find out how to access the system and use the homepage.

Overview of each form

This help section provides an overview of each form. The links on this page provide information on the workflow and timing.

Subject Validation form

The purpose of this form is to validate that the implementation of the subject matches its new or revised design.

This form appears only when the subject profile has been created or changed in CDAP and this is the first session after the change. It is to be completed when indicated in your subject list.

NOTE: Subjects with only minor changes can be exempted from completing this form by the Head of School (HoS).

This form may be filled in by the following roles:

Moderation and Grades form

The purpose of this form is to ensure the consistency and fairness of marking for all students, regardless of mode or place of study and who is doing the marking. School and Faculty Assessment Committees need to be assured of the rigour of the processes used to achieve this consistency in order to recommend and approve final grades. Your comments in this form should ensure Assessment Committees have enough information to understand what occurred in your subject this session and be assured of the rigour of the moderation process.

This form will be filled in by the following roles:

Reflection and Planning form

The Reflection and Planning form helps you to reflect on your subject and inform if an action plan is needed to be created. The purpose is to improve your subject quality.

This form will be filled in by the following roles:

Reverse an approved form

Only the Head of School (HOS) role has the capacity to reverse the approval on a locked form.