Moderation and Grades form

This guides the Moderator through filling in the Moderation and Grades form.


Please watch this short video to understand the form. The first 15 minutes are most relevant for the Subject Convenor, the next 5 min for the moderator and the last 5 min for SAC; skip to about the 14:30 mark for the guide for the moderator:

The Moderation and Grades form allows you to provide information about the moderation process and grades proposed for each cohort.

More information about processes to guide moderation during marking can be found on the Moderation Help pages.

Using the form

This form has a floating bar that stays on top as the page is scrolled. If you are the moderator and the form is the the ‘moderator’ stage, then you should be able to see buttons: ‘Save’, ‘Add note to M&G’, ‘Return to Convenor’ and ‘Submit to SAC’. The ‘Submit to SAC’ button stays greyed out until the form has all mandatory fields completed. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.

In the moderation role, you need to confirm the moderation process and answer the two questions on the Moderation and Grades form. Your questions are mandatory and must be completed before submission of the form.

What you need to do

Review of Convenor questions

You need to review the responses in Q1 to 3 and the grade distribution question from the Subject Convenor (see Convenor forms: Moderation and Grades form). If any of the responses are not suitable, press the “Add Note to M&G” to outline the required update, then press 'Return to Convenor'. The Subject Convenor will receive an email with these notes.

Moderation questions

You only need to fill in the moderator-related questions, Q4 to Q5. Any questions not related to your role will be greyed out.

Q4: As Moderator, briefly explain your role and responsibility in the moderation process?

The role of “Moderator” in QUASAR is used in different ways across the university (even across a single school). This question is simply about explaining how the role was used for this subject.

Here are some example answers to give you a sense of what you could put down and in what contexts.

  • Option 1: Convenor is the only person in teaching team (eg single cohort and no marker)
    ‘I selected the sample and cross-checked the marking. I also checked the grade centre(s).’
  • Option 2: Convenor is the only coordinator, but they have a marker (eg single cohort with separate marker) ‘The convenor moderated their marker. My role was to check the convenor’s grade centre and verify the moderation process was aligned to school policy.’
  • Option 3: Multiple coordinators and convenor is a coordinator (eg multiple cohorts and convenor is the coordinator of online DE cohort) ‘The moderation was managed by the convenor. My role was to check the convenor’s grade centre and verify the moderation process was aligned to school policy.’ Possibly also: ‘I selected the sample and cross-checked the marking for the convenor’s cohort.’
  • Option 4: Subject taught by a partner. The convenor does not teach at all but manages curriculum and all aspect of the moderation process. ‘The moderation was managed by the convenor. My role was to verify the moderation process was aligned to school policy.’

Q5: Did the steps employed in the moderation process for this subject achieve effective moderation of the assessment items?

If you answer no, you need to give a reason why was moderation not effective and suggest ways to improve the process. Possible reasons for saying no: rubrics were unclear and therefore difficult to ensure consistency [Hard to fix now, but useful to know so that it can be fixed for next time]; markers were very slow to respond – so moderation did occur, but the delays meant students did not get assignments back in a timely fashion; etc.

If moderation has not been effective, the preference is to get the problem fixed now. Select ‘Add Note to M&G’ to give instructions to the convenor on the required updates and then select the ‘return to convenor’. An automated email will be sent to the convenor to review the Moderator and Grades form. Once the convenor has updated this form, they will submit it back to you for approval. After this has been fixed, you will be able to change the answer to yes.

If you answer yes, you are saying that the moderation process worked for this subject. If you select yes and still really want to give feedback, use the ‘Add Note to M&G’ to add your comment. For example ‘Well done for a well run subject.’

Finalising the form

Subject Declaration

To complete the form, you must complete this section. This signs off this form.

By ticking the subject declaration boxes, you are confirming that grades entered in Grade Centre are true and correct and will not be altered in any way. It also confirms that moderation has taken place for the given offering and any issues have been documented and resolved. This is used by SAC and Grade Sign-off Officers to know what subjects are ready.

Caution: After the form has been saved, you cannot untick a box. A dialog window will appear saying “If grades need to be changed, then please contact the school for the process.

Finishing off – Submit to SAC or Return to Convenor

Once you have finished the form either

  • Submit to SAC – if it is all good then submit to the SAC by clicking the button. The subject can then be considered by the School Assessment Committee.
  • Return to Convenor – if something needs fixing. It is helpful to ‘add a note to M&G’ to explain what needs fixing.


You and School Assessment Committee review this form and have the ability to add notes. When notes are added, you will see these notes at the top of the form.

You use these notes when providing feedback to the Subject Convenor (for example if you select no at see Q5)

The School Assessment Committee may add notes and return the form to you for further updates. If this happens, you will receive an email with the notes. Once you complete the required updates, you can resubmit to the SAC via the Submit to SAC button.

You must approve the moderation form so it appears in the School Assessment Committee Report.

This is the last form the moderator is required to complete in the QUASAR process. No further action is required by the moderator in the Reflection and Planning Stage.