Multi-session or Year-long subjects

From 2022, the way we handle multi-session subjects have changed. Special session codes (e.g., 31/32) will be used. To view the subject, look for that session code and otherwise treat as per normal. For sessions starting in 2021 or earlier, subjects were split over multiple session codes. See below on how these are treated.

The QUASAR system automatically knows when a subject is multi-session and handles it appropriately. Due dates are automatically adjusted.

  • On the landing page and in reports, Multi-session subjects are indicated with the MSS chip.
  • QUASAR knows the intake and final session for the subject.
  • A set of forms is created for every intake session.
    • For example, if a subject runs over two sessions with one intake in a year; there is a set of forms generated only for the intake session. This means that all the forms required for the subject will appear with the intake session. When the forms are needed elsewhere (for example, at the end of the final session), they are linked to the intake (and not duplicated).
  • The convenor/moderator is set based on the intake session. So if you have to change convenor partway through, the Subject Admin team (via ACSES) must go back to the intake session to make the change.
  • If there is no intake, a set of forms will not be created.

Overview of each form

This help section provides an overview of how multi-session subjects are handled in each form.

Subject Validation form

The Subject Validation due dates will depend on the intake session and the form will appear in the list for the first session of delivery.

Moderation & Grades and Reflection & Planning forms

The Moderation & Grades and Reflection & Planning forms will have due dates dependent on the final session. Although you can see the forms listed for several sessions, they are all linked. They are not duplicated.

On the landing page, you select the session and then a list of available subjects. A multi-session subject will appear if its enrolment pattern matches the selected session code. The due dates listed on the landing page will be based on the entire length of the subject, not just on the selected session.

  • Example 1: a subject which starts in 201930 with duration of 3 sessions and pattern 30/60 will be displayed for 201930 (its intake), 201960 and 202030 (its final session). The due date for the Moderation & Grades form (and similarly Reflection & Planning form) will be based on the final session, 202030. The form can be done progressively over the length of the entire subject or done at the end.
  • Example 2: a subject which starts in 201960 with duration of 3 sessions and pattern 30/60/90 should be displayed for 201960 (its intake), 201990 and 202030 (its final session)

The form progress report works in the same way.

Grade Readiness Report

The Grade Readiness Report (which looks at grade finalisation) matches multi-session subjects based on their final session.

In the Moderation and Grades form, the displayed grade distribution is based on the Grade Centre of the interact 2 site for the intake session (which is the recommended practice).

In the Reflection and Planning form, the data dashboard shows grade distributions from Banner. Unfortunately, Banner does not know about multi-session subjects. As a result, all current sessions are combined into one. Care must be taken to read percentages. For example, if a multi-session subject has two intakes: 201930 (finishing in 201960) and 201960 (finishing in 201990). Then the grade distributions in Banner would be:

  • 201930: the grades halfway through the 201930 intake – namely all IP (in progress) grades.
  • 201960: the grades would be the combination of the end of the 201930 intake (substantive grades) AND halfway through the 201960 intake (all IP grades). The IP grades should make the distinction of the 2 intakes clear, but the percentages will be misleading.
  • 201990: the grades would be the end of the 201960 intake – which would be substantive grades.