Role types and changes

Roles in QUASAR

Role TypeScope Functions and access
Subject Coordinator Offering
  • Read-only access to the subject
  • Can add offering based comment to Reflection and Planning
Subject Convenor Subject
  • Read and write access to all forms for the subject
Moderator Subject
  • Read access to all forms for the subject
  • Write access to Subject Validation and Moderation and Grades for the subject
  • If Moderator wants to raise an issue for reflection they can add a note to Moderation and Grades form
Subject Read-Only Subject
  • Read-only access to all forms for the subject
Administrator School
  • Read access to all forms and reports for the school
  • In ACSES, can alter roles for the school
  • Can do initial assessment for Subject Validation
SAC Member
(School Assessment Committee)
  • Read access to all forms and reports for the school
  • Can add notes and approve Moderation and Grades Form
SQC Member
(School Quality Committee)
  • Read access to all forms and reports for the school
  • Can add notes and approve Reflection and Planning Form
Head of School School
  • Read access to all forms and reports for the school
  • Key part of process for Subject Validation
  • Can reverse approval of any form
School Read Only School
  • Read access to all forms and reports for the school
Super Moderator School
  • Equivalent to a Moderator for every subject in the school
DLT/Academic Success/Library Division
  • Access to reports that show action items requesting help from that division

How to change or add staff to QUASAR roles

You will need to contact your Subject Administrative Team in your Faculty to change your role in QUASAR.

The Subject Administrative Team and Administrators within the School have access to ACSES (Academic Course and Subject Entry System) where roles will be assigned.

Section in ACSES Roles available Further Information
Subject Offering Admin Roles Subject Coordinator, QA Officer and other subject offering roles. Related to interact 2 or EASTS or Subject Outline Tool.
Manage Subject Level Admin Roles Subject Convenor, Moderator, Subject Read-Only. Subject offering and subject level roles need to be entered in every session. This will usually be done via the Subject Management Files.
Manage School Admin Roles Administrator, SAC Member, SQC Member, Head of School and School Read-only, Super Moderator. School Admin roles are persistent. These only need to be changed if there is a change in personnel.

for multi-session subjects, the subject offering and subject level roles should be entered for the intake session.

Please log an IT help request if any issues in ACSES