Subject Validation form

As a Subject Convenor, this page will guide you through filling in the Subject Validation form.

Do I need to complete this form?

You only need to complete this form if you see the "Complete button" under the "Actions" on the QUASAR home page:

The Complete button is in red and shown to the rightmost column.

Due date

This form is due 6 weeks before the start of the session. This gives sufficient time to fix any problems if they get identified.

What you need to do

You have one section to complete. In this section, briefly explain what the changes to the subject were. This will help the moderator with their comprehensive review.

Details of the design of the subject (content, modules or assessments; alignments and mapping to GLOs) can be found in CDAP if the subject design is detailed there. Giving information about this will assist the moderator.

For example, if learning outcome have changed, explain which outcomes were changed and what the change was. also explain how this influences assessment items and how this has been changed. Or, part of the syllabus was changed, mention which weeks of the schedule this has impacted and how this has been incorporated. If there has been a major change to the learning and teaching approach as indicated in CDAP mention this and why.

Please note, the fields changed and rationale from the CDAP change memo appear automatically, so you do not need to repeat that. Rather, give more information to assist the moderator.

When you have finished

Once you have completed this section, select the ‘Submit to Moderator‘ button on the toolbar.