Other fees

You can see a list of the additional costs and fees you might come across below.

Accommodation and living expenses

Additional expenses may include:

  • accommodation costs, food, bills, and entertainment
  • text books
  • workplace learning (also known placements) costs may include travel, accommodation, living costs, uniforms and parking
  • fee for accommodation and meals during intensive (residential) school (for distance education students). These charges will be advised with the general intensive school information provided by Student Services each session.
  • Specific course requirements such as protective clothing, materials and computing programs. Refer to the course information

2023 University fees and charges

As a student, you may need to pay additional fees or charges such as:

  • Late fees - full fee paying students, enrolment application amendments or acceptances
  • Fees for Reviews of Decision where a student wishes to have a grade reviewed
  • Fees for documents and items such as transcript of academic record, or replacement ID cards
  • Other fees such as deferment of enrolment, additional assessment, misconduct fine
  • Lost or damaged library books replacement fees
  • Photocopying/printing
  • Freedom of Information (FOI) and Privacy fees

Enrolment Fees - All Students

Payment typeConditionCost
Reinstatement following the cancellation of enrolment International Onshore students$200.00
Reinstatement following the cancellation of enrolment (all other students)$100.00

Exam Fees

Payment typeConditionCost
Late Exam Centre Location Change Penalty Fee$50.00
Overseas Exam Centre Levy(per student, per centre)$100.00
Special Exam arrangement cancellation fee$100.00

Fees for Documents and Items

Payment typeConditionCost
Current Student Academic Transcript - Digital$10.00
Current Student Academic Transcript - Hard copy$30.00
Alumni Academic Transcript - Digital$15.00
Alumni Academic Transcript - Hard copy$35.00
Alumni Academic Transcript - CSU Predecessor Institutions$50.00
Alumni Replacement Testamur$120.00
Alumni - Second Mailing of Testamur(where initial mailing has been returned unclaimed)$20.00
Alumni Replacement AHEGS (Graduation Statement)$40.00
Replacement CSU Card$25.00
Replacement badge(nursing, medical imaging, midwifery, pre-hospital care)$25.00
Supply of a subject outline from previous sessions(per subject)$25.00
Subject Material Notes and Readingsat cost
Photocopy of examination answer booklets(per subject)$25.00
Replacement HECS/PELS/CAN liability statement(per session)$10.00

Fees for Reviews of Decision

Payment typeConditionCost
Review of fail grade(where student wishes to have fail grade reviewed N/C)$0.00
Review of passing grades(refundable if upheld)$100.00
Late application for a Review of Grade14 days after receipt of grade (Per subject, non- refundable)$50.00
Review of summative task - where student wishes to have fail grade reviewed$0.00
Review of summative task - where student wishes to have passing grade for specific task reviewed Note: The fee applicable is based on the year of the exam period e.g. for 2017 exam refer to 2017 fees(refundable if upheld)$100.00

Government Information (Public Access) - GIPA

Payment typeConditionCost
Applications for access to information (Section 64 - 67 GIPA Act)$30.00
Processing applications(per hour)$30.00

Graduation Fees

Payment typeConditionCost
Graduation fee for a student continuing in higher level award course and graduating from lower level articulated course$200.00

Library Fees

Payment typeConditionCost
Non-Core Interlibrary loans(Rush, Express, etc)at cost
Commercial Film hireat cost

Library Fines

Payment typeConditionCost
Bill for replacement of non-returned or damaged items. The Library reserves the right to charge the actual replacement cost. Reduced charges may apply for minor damage to items.(per item)$150.00
Portable Loan Devices(per device)$1,500.00

Other Fees

Payment typeConditionCost
Maximum fine for proven academic misconduct under the Student Academic Misconduct Rule$1,000.00

Photocopying/Printing (includes GST)

Payment typeConditionCost
Black & White A4 Single sided(per page)10c
Black & White A4 Duplex(per page)9c
Black & White A3 Single Sided(per page)20c
Black & White A3 Duplex(per page)17c
Colour A4 Single sided(per page)41c
Colour A4 Duplex(per page)35c
Colour A3 Single sided(per page)73c
Colour A3 Duplex(per page)62c

Tuition Fee-Paying Students

Payment typeConditionCost
Payment Plan FeeInternational Onshore$100.00
Late Payment FeeInternational Onshore per subject$50.00

Discounted charges may be available on the basis of financial hardship or public benefit. Processing charges do not apply for personal information about the applicant.