
Our Student Personal Accident policy may cover you if you are involved in an accident on campus. You may also be covered while travelling to university endorsed events like professional placement or sports.

We recommend all students seek professional advice to ensure that they have adequate cover in place.

What the policy covers

The Student Personal Accident policy provides safety net cover only. This includes:

  • Lump Sum Benefits covering death, loss of limb or permanent disablement up to a maximum $55,000.
  • Weekly income benefits from Bodily Injury: 85% of salary up to a maximum of $450 per week applies if injury occurs during sanctioned University activities and you cannot perform your usual work. Maximum 104 weeks and 7 days exclusion / excess period.

There is an exclusion / excess period of 28 days for any loss arising from participation in any form of sport.


  • Fractured Bones lump sum benefit (maximum $2,000).
  • Modification Expenses (maximum $10,000).
  • Out of Pocket Expenses (maximum $2,000).
  • Emergency Home Help (maximum $250 per week for 52 weeks).
  • Student tutorial costs (maximum $250 per week for 52 weeks).
  • Tuition or Advice Expenses (maximum $4,500).
  • HECS and postgraduate fees (maximum $10,000).
  • Unexpired Membership Benefit.
  • Chauffeur Services.
  • Accidental HIV Infection Benefit.
  • Bed Care.
  • Terrorist Injury Benefit.
  • Childcare Benefit.
  • Work Experience Benefit.
  • Workplace Assault Benefit.
  • Workplace Trauma Benefit.
  • Air or Road Rage Benefit.
  • Carjacking Benefit - Excess and Vehicle Hire.
  • Carjacking Assault Benefit.
  • Reconstructive or Cosmetic Surgery Benefit.

Sport Association Co-Insurance: No cover will apply where a covered Person is Insured through the Covered Person's own sporting association.

Please note all benefits/covers have strict meanings as defined and detailed in the Policy Schedule and Wording. If further information is required, please request at

  • Expenses incurred within 12 months of sustaining a Bodily Injury.
  • Expenses for Doctor, Physician, Surgeon, Nurse, Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Osteopath, Hospital and/or Ambulance services for the following treatments:
    • Medical, Surgical, X-ray, Chiropractic, Osteopathic, Physiotherapy, Hospitalisation, Nursing treatment.

What the policy excludes

  • Dental Treatment, unless such treatment is necessarily required to teeth other than dentures and is caused by a Bodily Injury.
  • Services for which the insured is eligible to receive Medicare benefits.

Important Conditions Applying to Non-Medicare Expenses

  • Benefits are only paid after claims are made on Private Health Insurance providers.
  • No benefit is payable on the gap between the Medicare rebate and invoiced amount.
  • Maximum claim is $10,000. Excess is $50 each and every claim.

How to submit a claim

You are required to pay the expenses up front and will be reimbursed. The excess on Non-Medicare Medical Expenses items is $50 for each and every claim and this is deducted from any reimbursements due.

Step 1

Report your accident

See the Student Representation and Clubs Officer on your campus and provide an account of your accident/incident as soon as possible or get someone else to report the accident/incident. An incident report form must be completed:

Incident Reporting for staff and students

Step 2

Complete official insurance form

If cover applies, you will need to submit the insurance company's Accident/Incident Report form [PDF]. You will also need to provide a report from your medical practitioner and any receipts you already have. Once you have completed the claim form in full, return it directly to the Insurer at A& and copy in

Step 3

Reimbursement by insurance company

Benefits payable are generally direct credited to your bank account.

It is imperative that students submit the incident report as soon as possible after the incident. A claim form must be submitted as soon as practicable, or within 30 days. If students need support with this process, please contact

Workplace Learning

For confirmation of the provision of insurance for students of Charles Sturt University who may be undertaking course related workplace learning with an external organisation, please download the Charles Sturt Students Workplace Learning Insurance letter for workplace learning within Australia, or download the Overseas Workplace Learning Insurance Letter for overseas placements. Furthermore, students travelling to foreign locations for workplace learning experience may not be protected by our Travel policies.

It is the student's responsibility to make appropriate insurance inquiries before commencing any workplace learning. Accordingly, it is strongly recommended that all students seek professional advice to ensure that they have adequate cover (including travel / medical) in place, cognisant of their personal circumstances, prior to any overseas travel or commencement of any workplace learning.

Answers to common questions