Global Citizenship

Learning outcome

Use their understanding of diversity and the 'common good' to work constructively, respectfully and effectively with local and global communities and workplaces.

Global Citizenship Graduate Learning Outcome

This course will introduce you to the Global Citizenship Graduate Learning Outcome and processes for aligning and embedding content across a course or subject. The Global Citizenship Learning Outcome ensures that Charles Sturt courses prepare students to live and thrive in a multicultural world and to compete successfully in the global market.

Accessing the GLO

The Global Citizenship GLO is available to Charles Sturt staff for self-enrolment through the Brightspace Learning system. Use the following instructions to enrol.

Student Benefits

Global Citizens appreciate other cultures, countries, and languages and are aware of the global implications of local decisions or the local implications of global decisions. Becoming a Global Citizen will prepare our students to live and thrive in a multicultural world and to compete successfully in the global market.


A graduated or tiered approach to the implementation of the information and research literacies GLO is recommended. The GLO elements need to be made explicit (learning outcomes / assessments / rubrics) in several core subjects throughout the course. They may also be implicit in many other subjects in the course.

The recommended development of global citizenship is:

  • Understand, define or briefly explain Global Citizenship.
  • Apply the concept and understand the impact of Global Citizenship to their chosen profession.
  • Interact respectfully and effectively with people from a range of backgrounds.
  • Consider global trends, reflect and make judgements within a professional scenario that includes trans-cultural elements.

Course Requirements

Global Citizenship cannot be considered as “a once in a lifetime event” rather it is an ongoing process that the student as a member of human race is able to practice the act of being respectful, responsible for self and others in the planet and take responsibility to change. The most pedagogically sound approach is to contextualise the concept and develop critical thinking and apply practices across the breadth of the course. That is, identifying a range of global topics relevant and contextualised to the course. Explicit acknowledgement of the Global Citizenship GLO in the learning outcomes, assessment tasks and rubrics of at least 3 assessments in core subjects in a course. This should be supplemented by rich, multicultural examples in learning activities throughout.

Teaching Practices

Oxfam suggests emphasis should not only be on knowledge and understanding of the background to global problems but also on:

  • skills such as critical thinking, argumentation, cooperation/conflict resolution and the ability to challenge injustice.
  • values and attitudes such as commitment to equality, respecting diversity, concern for the environment and a sense of identity and self‐esteem.

Some examples of teaching activities or initiatives are:

  • Student mobility programs such as those through Charles Sturt Global.
  • Providing international perspectives to the curriculum.
  • Considering intercultural communication skills in professional practice.
  • Guest discussions and presentations from people with a range of cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds.
  • Including democracy, ethics and social justice programs in the curriculum.
  • Volunteer opportunities with less privileged groups in society.


Assessment of this GLO needs to be explicit and contextualised.