
Feeling nervous about uni-level studies or a particular subject?

Study Link at Charles Sturt University offers short, online subjects that prepare you for success in your degree, wherever you choose to study. Whether you’re just considering uni studies, starting university or continuing in a later year, there’s a Study Link subject to help you. Even if you're not starting a degree, you can take a Study Link subject to up-skill for work, or even just to help the kids with their homework!

What's more, Study Link subjects are FREE for most Australian Residents (Check fee conditions)

Study Link is ideal if you:

  • have had a break from study
  • are about to start a maths or science-based degree and need to refresh your knowledge
  • want to brush up on your grammar
  • need some pointers on academic writing and referencing
  • are new to online study
  • want a smooth and easy transition to uni

New expanded subject range

Check out our expanded range of mini-subjects, including: a new Maths series (from Introductory to Advanced), Academic Writing, Communication Skills, Critical Thinking skills, and Grammar options, our Science suite, as well as special Maths subjects for Teacher education students preparing for professional tests.

At a glance

Study Link provides a choice of up to 23 short subjects which can all boost university studies by giving you:

  • academic skills you will need (e.g. essay writing)
  • a chance to fill any 'knowledge gaps' (e.g. chemistry or maths)
  • experience in studying online in a university environment
  • the confidence to succeed!

Study Link's subjects are:

  • short (between 14 and 40 hours)
  • self-paced (take up to 5 months if you need to)
  • delivered flexibly
  • FREE for all Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens or holders of a permanent visa (enrolments in Study Link are limited to students aged 16 or over at time of application)
  • not expensive for other students (students studying outside Australia or not meeting the above criteria)
  • no pressure, as they're non-credit bearing
  • relevant for new and continuing students
  • taught by a real person (your Subject Coordinator) who can guide you through your subject(s).

What people are saying about Study Link

Why Choose Study Link?

Study Link Success

"At Charles Sturt we recognise the importance of quality preparation for university study and Study Link is designed to really kick-start your studies. Complete an online subject and have a concentrated hit on a skill area during your session breaks.

So, if you haven't studied for a while, or if you just want to brush up on your skills and knowledge in a few areas, as well as build your confidence, a Study Link subject is perfect for you."

Carolyn O'Dwyer Program Manager, Pathways

How it works:

  • How do Study Link subjects work?

    Study Link offers a range of online subjects that are short and self-paced. These preparatory subjects will make the link between your current knowledge and skills and what's needed in your formal studies. Some subjects are also available via weekend workshops.

    Each Study Link subject is intended to provide you with meaningful, relevant content that is designed to assist your learning in the university environment. We provide you with the materials and you will have access to a Subject Coordinator, your teacher, who is there to help you progress through the subject and whom you can contact for assistance.

  • How long do Study Link subjects take to complete?

    Study Link subjects take between 14 and 40 hours to complete. It is entirely up to you whether you have a concentrated period focused on particular skills development or you decide to take your time and complete them over an extended period.

    The Study Link terms are made quite long to accommodate both options; we know that people do lead very busy lives. All we require is that you finish by the final assessment due date at the end of each term so that your Subject Coordinator can give you timely feedback regarding the short practice activities.

  • How quickly can I start my Study Link subject?

    After you have formally accepted your offer, you will gain access to your Study Link subject Interact2 site(s) within 24 hours of your enrolment being processed.

    The speed at which your enrolment is process may depend on Student Administration workload, however you should have access to your Interact2 sites no later than 48 hours after formally accepting your offer.

    Once you have been given access to your Interact2 site(s), you can access them through your Interact2 dashboard. If you are a student new to CSU, you will need to activate your CSU login prior to accessing Interact2.

  • Who can enrol in Study Link and how much does it cost?

    Anyone! You don't need to be enrolled in any other studies to benefit from Study Link. Study Link is free for students who are an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen or a holder of a permanent visa. Fees do apply to students who don't meet citizenship and residency criteria - see the Study Assist website

  • When are Study Link subjects offered?

    Study Link subjects are offered in 3 terms across the year – check out the Study Link Calendar for the dates of enrolment. The Study Link terms run at different times to the normal CSU sessions to give you more opportunities to enrol and complete subjects, either before you start at CSU or during Session breaks in your course when there are no lectures.

  • Do Study Link subjects count towards my degree?

    Study Link subjects are NOT credit bearing and therefore do not count towards a university qualification. When you have satisfactorily completed a Study Link subject, you will receive a Satisfactory (SY) Grade and receive a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion (which you'll receive approx. 6-8 weeks after your term has ended)

    If you find that you are unable to complete all of your Study Link assessment items, you will be awarded an 'Approved Withdrawal' (AW) grade. Again, there is no academic penalty for not completing a Study Link subject!

    As of 2018, Study Link subjects do now appear on your My eQuals transcript. But don't worry - Study Link subjects do NOT appear on your AHEGS statement (Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement), which you'll receive when you graduate and only shows a record of subjects studied in your degree; as such, your AHEGS statement will not show a record of any Study Link subjects you may have enrolled in.

  • I really want to enrol in some Study Link subjects - how many can I enrol in?

    While there is a temptation to enrol in as many subjects as you can, we do recommend that you only enrol in a total of 4 Study Link subjects at any one time. Our advice is to either focus on a specific discipline first (e.g., maths or essay writing) or if you have multiple skills or knowledge areas you would like to work on, start at the introductory level first and work your way up (e.g., Essay Writing 1, Maths Skills 1, Critical Thinking Skills 1 etc).

    You may also like to see what Study Link subjects your course director recommends as relevant to your area of study - visit your degrees online course brochure at study.csu.edu.au to see what subjects are recommended by your course director (scroll down to the 'support' section and click the link to Study Link. Remember though, these are only recommendations, and you may already be confident in the subject/skill areas listed!

    While the number of active Study Link subject enrolments per term is limited to 4, you can always enrol in more subjects once you've completed the subjects you're enrolled in!

    Remember - Study Link subjects are designed to help you achieve success in your degree studies - you should look to complete your Study Link subjects prior to a session commencing, or during mid-session breaks.