
To enrol in Study Link subjects, you need to click on the 'Enrol online here' button below and do the following:

  1. Choose how you wish to study (as either a Domestic or International student)
  2. Select 'Single Subject Study, Cross Institutional Study, Study Link'
  3. Click on the 'Go to Online Application' button
  4. If you are already registered with CSU, you can click 'login' to commence a new application. If you have not applied to study at CSU, you will need to click the 'register' button.
  5. Commence a new application, and choose the same options you chose previously: student type (domestic/international),what you want to study (Single Subject/s, Cross Institutional study or STUDY LINK) and then choose 'STUDY LINK' when asked what course you want to study.
  6. Click the 'create' button to start your application!
  7. Complete the form, selecting the particular subject or subjects that you wish to complete and submit the form. You will be automatically enrolled in the current running Study Link term (or next available term if enrolments have closed in the current term).
  8. Please note: enrolments are limited to 6 subjects per Study Link term - you can, however, enrol in more subjects as you complete the subjects you're currently enrolled in!

Enrol online here

Note: Enrolment in Study Link subjects is limited to students aged 16 or over at the time of enrolment. Students aged 16 but younger than 17 will require parental consent when enrolling.

Application Closing dates:

Study Link terms offer flexible starting points to allow students to commence at a time that suits their busy lifestyles. The key important consideration is that applications must be lodged by the Application Closing date for each Study Link term as detailed below.

If an application is received AFTER enrolments have closed in the current term, students will be enrolled in the next available term.

Current and upcoming Study Link terms

Code Study Link term Term begins Term ends Applications close
202445 Term 2 2024 9th February, 2024 9th August, 2024 31 May, 2024
202475 Term 3 2024 17 June, 2024 13 December, 2024 15 September 2024
202515Term 1 2025Monday 28, October 2024Friday 2 May, 202531 January 2025