Academic English for Australian Tertiary Studies

If you have a language background other than English, this subject will help you improve your academic English skills.

Whether you're an undergraduate or postgraduate student, you will have the opportunity to enhance your skills in critical thinking, listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Topics covered in this subject include:

  • Preparing for study in English: Academic culture, language, and assessment;
  • Types of Academic English: Differences and key features;
  • Core academic language: Functions, meaning, and grammar;
  • Academic identity: Position and voice;
  • Criticality: Evaluating and questioning; and,
  • Optimising learning: Strategies and self-evaluation.

You will study around 40 hours of self-paced online learning. Your subject coordinator will give you support and feedback as you build your skills and confidence in academic writing.

This subject is designed to meet the needs of international students as well as domestic students who have Language Backgrounds Other Than English (LBOTE). It features issues for master's degree level students in particular, though undergraduate students will find many sections useful.

Subject availability
Session CRN Subject code Subject name Mode Campus/Location Term begins Application closing date Term ends
202315 327 SSS030 Academic English Aust Tertiary Distance Orange 31/10/2022 27/01/2023 28/04/2023
202345 222 SSS030 Academic English Aust Tertiary Distance Orange 13/02/2023 2/06/2023 11/08/2023
202375 321 SSS030 Academic English Aust Tertiary Distance Orange 19/06/2023 15/09/2023 15/12/2023

Please note: You can start any time to suit you between Term start date and the close of applications.

Study material: 40 hrs

Subject Coordinator: Alexandra Glencross

Alexandra Glencross

This subject will be useful if you're studying:

  • Agricultural and Wine Sciences
  • Allied Health and Pharmacy
  • Animal and Veterinary Sciences
  • Business
  • Communication and Creative Industries
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation
  • Exercise and Sports Sciences
  • Humanities, Social Work and Human Services
  • Information and Library Studies

  • Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics
  • Medical Science and Dentistry
  • Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health
  • Policing, Law, Security, Customs and Emergency Management
  • Psychology
  • Science
  • Teaching and Education
  • Theology and Islamic studies