Charles Sturt University = Carbon Neutral

Climate Active - Carbon Neutral Organisation

Australia's First Carbon Neutral University

Charles Sturt has been certified Australia's first Carbon Neutral University. On 28 July 2016, the Australian Government's Carbon Neutral Program certified Charles Sturt as 'carbon neutral' against the National Carbon Offset Standard.

Australia's first and only carbon neutral university, news article

What Does Carbon Neutral Mean?

Carbon neutrality is achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions for a particular activity, process or organisation. To become carbon neutral, organisations calculate their greenhouse gas emissions, reduce emissions as much as possible and then purchase carbon offsets or carbon credits equivalent to the remaining emissions. This process results in emissions being offset and leads to net zero emissions or carbon neutrality.

The Branding Has Changed But Our Intentions Haven't!

Climate Active is the new branding for the Carbon Neutral Program so you will start to see this new brand mark on our website and other media.  To find out more, see the Climate Active Program website

Our Commitment to a Sustainable Future

Professor Andrew Vann, Former Vice Chancellor at Charles Sturt, highlighted our commitment to sustainability. Upon the announcement of our certification, Professor Vann said, "Through this certification, Charles Sturt University is showing all Australian communities how we can live more sustainable lives in our unique environment.

With this accreditation, we hope that we can inspire other organisations both regional and national, to seek to achieve these standards and do their bit for the planet. Through becoming Australia's first and only carbon neutral university, Charles Sturt is living out the Wiradjuri phrase Yindyamarra Winhanganha, or 'the wisdom of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in'."

How We're Staying Green

Through the National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS) process, we must maintain an emissions reduction program. We will achieve this through our energy saving and carbon offset portfolio. These projects are part of who we are and speak directly to our values and ethos.

We're Working Together

Reducing carbon emissions and improving energy saving measures is something for everyone at Charles Sturt.

We're proud of our achievements and our commitment to sustainability. We believe we're in a unique position to lead and inspire organisations nationally and internationally.

We encourage our communities, staff, students and Alumni to reduce their carbon footprint by:

Our Daily Activities

To further keep us on track, we also encourage our students and staff to:

  • Make small changes such as walking or riding a bike instead of driving
  • Choose a car that isn't oversized for your travel needs and travelling with colleagues or classmates where possible
  • Switch off equipment such as lights, locally-controlled air-conditioners and computers when not required
  • Support suppliers who demonstrate sound, sustainable practices.

Our Road to Becoming Carbon Neutral

Our plan to become a carbon neutral started in 2007. Below is a list of our achievements in the last nine years that have led us to this point.




