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Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) short courses now available!

26 July 2024

Charles Sturt staff can now self-enrol in four new GLO short courses through the Brightspace Learning system. The available courses are:

Indigenous Cultural Competency GLO and Pedagogical Framework program

This program introduces the frameworks and processes for mapping and embedding Indigenous Australia Studies content across a course. It provides ideas and support for delivering First Nations content in subjects.

Sustainable Practices GLO

This course will introduce you to the Sustainable Practices GLO and processes for aligning and embedding content across a course or subject. Towards the end of this course, you will be provided with a range of resources that you can adapt, modify, or use to contextualise sustainability into your course or subject.

Global Citizenship GLO

Learn about the Global Citizenship GLO and how to align and embed this content in your courses or subjects. This outcome ensures that Charles Sturt courses prepare students to thrive in a multicultural world and compete successfully in the global market.

Academic Literacy and Numeracy GLO

This course introduces the Academic Literacy and Numeracy GLO and provides guidance on aligning and embedding this content across a course or subject.

For more information and enrolment instructions, please refer to the provided links above.

Visit our GLO page for more information

CSEdX 2024 - Registrations now open and call for abstracts

26 July 2024

Registrations for CSEdX 2023 now open. Visit our website to register.

We are also welcoming abstracts from Charles Sturt University staff that focus on any area of learning and teaching. Abstracts will need to be informed by research and scholarly evidence and speak to the underpinning theme of regionality. Submissions close on Monday 26 August. This year, we will be inviting abstracts for two categories:

  • Oral presentations – these are short presentations of work underway or completed.
  • Roundtables – these are longer sessions that provide an opportunity for critical dialogue.

So, what are you waiting for? Register for CSEdX now!

A new Wiradyuri language book is now available

05 April 2024

Lloyd Dolan has a new book: A Review of the Philology, Phonology and Etymology of Wiradyuri Language.

This unique book was inspired by his over twenty years of working in language revitalisation. He realised the need for a more in-depth understanding of language. It has been six years in the making! It provides a practical analysis of the Wiradyuri language's philology, phonology, and etymology.

This book is the first of its kind and a must for advanced Wiradyuri language learners and teachers.

This book will be available to borrow from the Charles Sturt Library, and you can purchase it at the below link.

Check it out here

The WIL Strategy Team are hosting co-design WIL sessions

05 April 2024

The WIL Strategy Team are hosting a series of co-design work-integrated learning (WIL) sessions with the community and industry in our regional locations. The first in the series will be held in Wagga Wagga on Wednesday, 10 April 2024. The sessions will:

  • Provide a platform for local community organisations, industry partners, students, academics, and other interested staff to gain a comprehensive understanding of WIL.
  • Explore key aspects of WIL, including essential skills, effective collaboration, and alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Have guest community and industry speakers who will share their expectations, and students will provide valuable insights into what constitutes successful WIL experiences.

Together, we’ll uncover best practices, foster meaningful connections, and empower students on their WIL journey.

Email the WIL Strategy Team for any enquiries

2024 Higher Education Academy Fellowships

22 March 2024

Expression of interest for the 2024 Charles Sturt University HEA Fellowship scheme is now open!

Up to six funded places are available per Faculty member, subject to a competitive selection process.

Our HEA Fellowships page has all the information you need to apply, including guidelines on how to apply and the HEA Fellowships EOI form.

Visit our HEA Fellowships page for more information

LMS help page now available

22 March 2024

The new Brightspace help page is now available with new content added weekly.

Visit this site for help with

  • getting started in Brightspace
  • setting up your site
  • accessibility
  • assessment and feedback

and more!

Check it out here

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