202260 Teacher PD: CSU Replay (Panopto) - Teacher AV Resource Creation

This workshop explores the use of CSU’s video lecture capture tool, Panopto, to facilitate content creation and engagement within I2 subject sites.

Participants will be walked through:

  • the creation of the videos, including the use of the editor
  • output formats and accessibility
  • embedding video within subject sites
  • student use of the tool for assessment
  • examples of how these videos resources are currently being used within various subjects at CSU

This session will also specifically look any new features available within the Panopto platform.

Presented by

  • Portrait of Lachlan Kalache

    Lachlan Kalache

    Learning Innovation Lead

  • Portrait of Di Plunkett

    Di Plunkett

    Learning Technologies Officer

Workshop resources


Watch this recording on demand

This workshop was recorded on: 26 July 2022

Workshops and recordings