202260 Teacher PD: Turnitin Feedback Studio | Turnitin Blackboard Integration - Teaching showcase

Whilst most staff would be familiar with the Turnitin platform as a tool to facilitate Academic Integrity processes, are you ready to use the Turnitin Feedback Studio to grade and provide feedback on student assessment tasks?

This workshop will look at the Blackboard (i2) - Turnitin Integration pilot running in session 202230 and the use of the Turnitin integration within our LMS to streamline the assessment submission, grading, feedback and academic integrity workflows currently in place.

Presented by

  • Portrait of Lachlan Kalache

    Lachlan Kalache

    Learning Innovation Lead

Workshop resources


If you couldn't make the workshop you can watch the recording here:.

This workshop was recorded on: 9 August 2022

Workshops and recordings