Review of final grade

If you are not satisfied with your final grade in a subject, you may be eligible to apply for a grade review.

Your application should be submitted within 14 days of when the grade was released to you. The criteria and process for a Review of Grade are outlined in clause 102 of the Assessment Policy.

Grounds for Review

A student may request a review of their final grade in a subject on one or more of the following grounds:

  • The subject outline was not published by the start of the relevant teaching period.
  • After the teaching period started, the assessment requirements stated in the subject outline were changed without consultation with students or in an unreasonable way.
  • The assessment requirements stated in the subject outline were applied to the student unreasonably or prejudicially.
  • A clerical error occurred in the calculation, recording or publication of the grade.
  • The assessment requirements were unable to be met due to adverse circumstances that occurred during the teaching session and/or these were not duly and reasonably able to be considered.
  • The student is seeking a review of the mark for a specific assessment task where the mark was received after the notification of their final subject grade.

Before you submit your request:

  • You should discuss your grade with the Subject Coordinator before submitting the Review of Grade application.
  • If your Subject Coordinator is unavailable or you are not satisfied with the discussion's outcome, you can request a final grade review.
  • To get the best possible outcome from your request, you should look at our guidelines for submitting a request for review or appeal.

How to submit a request:

  • Go to the Student Portal
  • Search the form name "Review of Grade" and submit the request
  • You will need to include a marked copy and a blank copy of the assessment.
  • You can check the status of your request on your Student Portal

Important things you should know

  • Your application should be submitted within 14 days of when the grade was released to you.
  • Late applications are only accepted in exceptional circumstances. The Head of School must approve late applications. Late applications incur a late fee, which is not refundable.

More about fees

  • There are no fees for applications to review a failing grade unless your application is submitted longer than 14 days after your grade was released.
  • A fee applies to requests for a review of a passing grade or higher. This fee is refunded if your application is successful.
  • Find out how much it will cost to submit your application.
  • Any applicable fees will be charged to your account. You can pay this charge when it appears in Amounts Owing to the University on your account here: Online Shop

What happens next?

After assessing a grade review application, you can expect one of the following outcomes:

  • the original grade stands;
  • another grade is awarded. This can be a higher or lower grade;
  • you are withdrawn from the subject without failing it, receiving an AW grade; or further assessment is needed before a final decision is made. In this case, the head of the teaching school will decide the nature and time of the further assessment, in consultation with the Subject Coordinator.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of the review, you can appeal the decision.