Conditions of use

Make sure you understand the responsibilities that come with using a Charles Sturt Card.

The university may cancel any of its services available to you in connection with your card under university policies and procedures.


Charles Sturt Card Ownership

Your Charles Sturt Card remains the property of Charles Sturt University. You must return your card to the University immediately if asked to do so.

The University will not use personal information about you, except as required for University purposes, unless you give your consent.

The University will not provide or sell information recorded in the Charles Sturt Card system about your card to other people or organisations except:

  • as required by law
  • to answer an inquiry from you concerning the operation of or the transactions recorded for your card
  • to cancel or recall your card or cancel any chip function including the electronic accounts
  • to supply information to you in the event of damage to, loss or theft of your card
  • to investigate and resolve a complaint, inquiry or dispute concerning your card.

Cancellation of Card Services

The University may cancel any of its services available to you in connection with your card under University policies and procedures.


University's Liability

To the extent permitted by law, the University's liability is limited to replacing cards with a faulty computer chip.

Each cardholder is responsible for managing the funds on their Charles Sturt Card's electronic account, maintaining a credit balance in that account, and reducing the balance to a zero before final departure from the University.

If your account is overdrawn, creating a debit balance will be treated as a debt to the University. A debt could result in card restrictions and a hold on your Charles Sturt Account. A hold may restrict you from accessing academic results until it is cleared.

The University does not accept liability for lost, stolen, user damaged or destroyed cards, nor for the loss of monetary value through unauthorised use of your Charles Sturt Card.

The University is not liable for any loss you may suffer from any malfunction of the card system or if a card reader or terminal equipment is unavailable for use or unable to be used.

To the extent permitted by law, the University is not liable for the availability, quality or fitness for the purpose of any of the services not provided by the University or any goods or services purchased with your card not offered by the University.

The University is not liable to you if a system participant fails to accept your card.

Possession of a Charles Sturt Card does not empower any staff member or cardholder to act as an agent for the University.


Condition variations

The University may be required to vary these conditions due to various circumstances at any time.

Any change to the terms and conditions and/or services provided in association with Charles Sturt Card will be published on this website.

Your personal information and privacy

The following information is stored on your Charles Sturt Card:

  • Student number
  • Unilinc barcode number
  • Cardax (building access) number
  • Mifare card serial number
  • your name.

All the data stored within your card is encrypted and cannot be unlocked without special electronic keys.

Your Charles Sturt Card stores only limited data in the memory chip. Charles Sturt may store additional data in the memory chip at their discretion but will notify you of the type of data through means of communications specified in this policy.

Unless required by law or with your consent, Charles Sturt will not share any information with outside organisations other than the university agents and will not sell or release any information regarding your usage or purchases.

The following Divisions have access to ID data, card accounts and card transactions if required:

  • Student Administration
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Student Services
  • Facilities Management
  • Information Technology
  • Alumni Office
  • Faculties and Schools.

Unicard Pty Ltd also has limited access to records while maintaining the Unicard Card Management system and Unicard Transaction Management System (TMS).