Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Policies & Regulations

The Charles Sturt University Policies & Regulations grouping contains Fixed Autotext. It is not able to be edited because it has been approved for inclusion in all Outlines. As indicated on each section, some subjects will display autotext specific to their context.

Policies & Regulations (excludes Policing)

Fixed Autotext displays directly under the Charles Sturt Policies & Regulations grouping header (i.e. does not have its own section header):

This subject outline should be read in conjunction with all academic policies and regulations. Please refer to the collated list of policies and regulations relevant to studying your subject(s) which includes links to Charles Sturt University’s Policy Library - the sole authoritative source of official academic and administrative policies, procedures, guidelines, rules and regulations of the University.

Subject outline as a reference document

This Subject Outline is an accurate and historical record of the curriculum and scope of your subject. Charles Sturt University's Course and Subject Information Procedure requires that you retain a copy of the Subject Outline for future use such as for accreditation purposes.

School of Policing Academic Advice and Review Policies (Policing only)

Editable Autotext specified by the School of Policing.

Click Autotext Refresh on the section menu to view and refresh the section with the current effective Editable Autotext. The Clone Autotext Refresh Prompt incorporates Autotext Refresh into the clone process – therefore some Authors may have already refreshed Autotext sections upon Outline creation.

University policies relevant to subject study  (Policing only)

This subject outline should be read in conjunction with all academic policies and regulations. Please refer to the collated list of policies and regulations relevant to studying your subject(s) which includes links to the Charles Sturt University’s Policy Library - the sole authoritative source of official academic and administrative policies, procedures, guidelines, rules and regulations of the University.

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