Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University


Also see Known Issues & Troubleshooting. If you require further assistance, log an SRS Request. Issues that seem to be of a technical nature can be raised via an IT Service Desk Request.

Why can’t I see a particular offering on my Dashboard?

You will not see an offering in your Dashboard if you have not been added into an ACSES or SOT role for the offering; or for offerings which are:

  • for a subject code that has a CASIMS tag of ‘Interact -- No Subject Outline’ —OR—
  • a multi-session subject (MSS) that does not have a cohort commencing in that session (see SAL+) —OR—
  • Inactive on the Subject Availability Listing (see SAL+). Also see Inactive Status Chip.

Also check Access Issues / Missing Outlines on Known Issues & Troubleshooting for other reasons you may not be able to see your Outline.

If a ‘No Subject Outline’ CASIMS tag is removed, you must log a DIT Service Desk Request to force the addition of subject offerings to the SOT (adding the tag should cause the offerings to automatically disappear from the SOT).

Where can I find a quick start guide, video guides and other useful artefacts?

Video guides are coming soon. You can download the SOT Quick Start Guide here.

Supporting artefacts include a Schedule template pre-filled with key session dates; and a summary of the Editable Autotext for Workplace Learning (WPL) that is available in a WPL Outline template.

What assessment information will be publicly available in the Subject Handbook?

From mid-July 2019, the Item Number, Title and Value of assessment tasks will be publicly available via the Charles Sturt Handbook. The intention is to provide prospective students with an indication of the assessment involved in a subject, as do most Australian University websites.

Information will be drawn from your Outline once it is published if it is for the subject offering with the highest number of enrolments for the session. It is acknowledged that assessment tasks vary from session to session and therefore it is made very clear to prospective students that the Handbook section is a guide only. The Handbook will be updated each session that the subject is offered. A sample Handbook section is shown below.

How do I hide table cell borders?

The function that can show/hide table cell borders treats borders as if they are double-walled – so the cell wall and its adjacent cell wall must be removed to hide the border. For example, to remove a left cell border:

How do I make my table header row repeat on each page of the PDF?

In some cases, tables that have been cloned or pasted into the SOT editor will be detected as a header row and therefore will repeat on each page of the PDF that the table spans. If not:

  1. Click on your table to trigger the table options pop up
  2. Click the ‘H’ option
  3. A new row with grey shading will be added at the top of the table
  4. Add labels to the new header row
  5. Click anywhere on the old header row; then select ‘Delete row’ from the table row menu

Where can I find an overview of the Subject Outline template?

The SOT Reports feature offers a Template Report. Learn more: Reports

Where can I find examples of marking rubrics?

Refer to help on ‘Marking criteria and standards’ for both Assessment Items and Exam Items.

Why won’t the PDF open?

Check you have enabled pop ups for the SOT on your browser. If they’re disabled, the PDF will be blocked.

Why do the full URLs display in the PDF for all my hyperlinks?

The PDF displays the full URL for all hyperlinks. This is because the PDF serves as the printable version required by the Subject Outline Policy. Once printed, the student requires display of the full URL.

Why can’t I clone my 2016 MSI Outlines into the SOT?

The SOT supports cloning back to the MSI template that commenced 201730. For pre-201730 Outlines, copying/pasting is much easier within the new SOT editor if you wish to manually transfer your content. If you’d like help to transfer your content, raise an SRS request. For immediate support, phone an ESC on 34274 (external 02 6933 4274).

Why doesn’t an optional section that is null still display in the preview and PDF version?

If the editor is null, it will display grey ‘Click to edit’ default text. If you cannot see the default text (see yellow highlighted text below), activate the editor to remove any spaces that still exist.

Why won’t my image upload?

If you have previously uploaded the image, the system will detect that it is already available from your image “Gallery” and will display the following pop up message: “File already uploaded. Try renaming the file or browse your image gallery.”

Click on the folder icon from the editor’s Insert Image menu to browse your gallery; or rename the file in its source location. You could also try deleting the image from the gallery and uploading it again. If you still encounter issues, please log an IT Service Desk Request.

How do I set Due Dates when using the SOT from an overseas location?

If your device is set to a date format of MM-DD-YYYY (month then day) this causes a problem because the SOT uses Australian date format of DD-MM-YYYY (day then month).

The problem occurs when the Due Date date picker opens and tries to load the current date. It confuses the day/date with the month and cannot load. For example, if the current date is 17th May, the date picker attempts to set the 17th month.

Remedy this by changing your date/region settings to Australia; then re-opening the SOT.

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