Refunds, remission and re-crediting

Depending on when you withdrew from your subjects, you may be able to receive a refund or remission of your subject fees/student contribution.


Your options will change depending on whether you withdraw before or after census.

Before census

Paid upfront

  • A credit will be raised on your account for the subject fee and the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) (if you’ve also paid your SSAF).
  • To request a refund of the amount, please contact us. If you paid using BPAY, don’t forget to check your bank account details are up to date in Online Administration.

Deferred fees

  • We won’t defer your fees to the Australian Tax Office, so you won’t be charged for the subject.

After census

If you withdrew from a subject due to Special Circumstances after the census date, you can apply for remission or reimbursement of your subject fees.

To apply:

The Student Amenities and Services Fee (SSAF) is not refundable.

Special Circumstances

Special Circumstances are circumstances that:

  1. are beyond your control; and
  2. occurred, or made their full impact on you on or after the Census Date; and
  3. made it impracticable for you to successfully complete the requirements for the subject.

You must be able to provide supporting documentation to demonstrate these Special Circumstances existed and their impact on your studies. The Application form contains clear guidelines about what is considered to be suitable supporting documentation.

Overseas student health cover

It is a requirement of your student visa that you have current Overseas Health Cover (OSHC) for the entire time you are in Australia. Family members who are with you in Australia must also be covered.

Find out more about OSHC