Subject Experience Survey (SuES)

Your feedback is important to the university.

The Subject Experience Survey (SuES) is an opportunity for you to tell us about your learning experience. This helps us identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions for future sessions. We strongly encourage you to complete the surveys and give us constructive feedback.

The Subject Experience Survey runs online for every subject in every teaching session throughout the year. We'll email you when the survey opens, and you can access the survey via the link in your Learning Management System (Brightspace or Interact2) subject sites.

If you can't access the Subject Experience Survey link, contact the admin team on for the problem to be resolved.

For security reasons, the results dashboard is only viewable to students on-campus or via a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) connection for online students.

Survey results

The SuES results allow you to see how students rated their experience in a subject. This is based on questions specifically designed to address how well that subject supports quality learning for students.

Results from Session 1 2014 (2014-30) onwards are available.

The Subject Experience Survey collects confidential feedback from students. The survey gathers feedback on aspects of learning design and delivery that have been linked to student success. This includes things like your subject learning experience and the learning resources. Also, feedback is sought on the helpfulness of assessment tasks and interactions with teaching staff.

As survey responses are confidential, students are not identified in the survey results. Providing feedback to us will not impact your results or marks for a subject. Getting your feedback is important to us and can help to inform future improvements.

The survey will take about six minutes or so to complete. Subject surveys will open three weeks before the end of a teaching period and close one week after. You will receive a reminder to complete the survey for each subject enrolment.

There are two types of surveys at present. The first 'general' survey applies to the majority of subjects. The second survey is a 'workplace learning' survey. This survey is for subjects identified with a Work-integrated Learning component.

A five-point rating scale applies to most of the survey responses. There are also open-ended questions that allow for more detailed comments on your learning experience. These are links to the current surveys:

Survey results are only available once grades have been released to students. This is to prevent survey responses and grades from impacting each other. The Subject Experience Survey is governed by the Course and Subject Quality Assurance and Review Procedure.

Your feedback in the Subject Experience Survey offers insights into your learning experience. This helps academic staff refine and enhance subjects, improve teaching practices and boost student learning. Your subject outline will also state any changes that have been made based on past feedback.

Who sees the results?

Results of the survey are combined and reports are shared with subject teaching staff, senior academic leadership and teams responsible for quality assurance and improvement. The results are also used in annual course reporting to help measure course and subject experiences.

You can view survey results to see how students rated their experience in a subject. Survey questions are specifically designed to address how well a subject supports quality learning. Subject survey results can be used as another way to help with your course planning by giving you some insight on what to expect in a particular subject.

You can access past results using the button at the top-right of this page.

This survey asks you to think critically about your overall experience in the subject - not whether you got on well with the lecturer, or simply liked (or disliked) some feature of a subject. Your feedback to us is most valuable when it is specific, constructive and professional.

Be specific

The most helpful feedback is clear and specific. This allows us to determine exactly what's working well for you and what's not, to make it better for the next cohort of students.

For example, instead of saying "The teacher was always late", a more accurate statement could be "The teacher was 10 minutes late to four lectures (or Zoom meetings) this session, which was frustrating for us".

Be constructive

Provide comments and recommendations that help improve the subject or your ability to achieve the learning outcomes. Constructive feedback offers potential solutions to aspects of the subject you felt could be improved.

For example, instead of saying "The whole subject was rather worthless and had no practical application", a more balanced statement could be "While the theory was presented well, the subject would benefit from more practical applications for students".

Be professional

It's important for your feedback to be professional, respectful and courteous. It's important for you to be open and honest, but also remember the teaching staff will read your responses. In keeping with the University's Student Misconduct Rule, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist comments are unacceptable.

For example, instead of saying "The lecturer was really terrible and full-on didn't know what she/he was doing", a professional response could be "The lecturer needed to be better prepared with a clear teaching plan for the lesson".

If you'd like to make a formal complaint, you can do this online.