How to enrol

Ready to enrol? Get ready for the start of the session by adding your subjects early.

Step 1

Check your current enrolment

Check your current subjects and course details are correct in Online Administration.

Step 2

Choose your subjects

Choose subjects for the full academic year, including both Session 1 and Session 2. If your course has compulsory Session 3 enrolment, make sure you choose subjects for this session too.

Step 3

Add or delete subjects

Check our important dates to find the census date for your session.

Before census date

You can add or delete subjects until census date*.

  • Go to Add or remove subjects.
  • Select the session you want to add subjects to.
  • Search for the subject you want to add.
  • Select ‘add subject’ to enrol in the subject for that session.

*Subjects added to your enrolment after midnight on the first Sunday of session are conditional on approval. If it is not approved, you will be withdrawn from the subject and you will not be liable for any subject fees.

After census date

You can request to add subjects post census date. Keep in mind you cannot defer payment for these subjects as a Commonwealth Support Student, you must pay your Subject fees upfront as a Full Fee Paying student. Additional approval is also required from the relevant Subject Coordinator and Course Director to enrol in the subject.

You'll be unable to delete subjects after census date. If you've suffered illness, misadventure, or extenuating circumstances you need to complete a Special Consideration form to apply to withdraw from a subject after the census date (AW grade).

More information

You will not be able to add enrolment for an online subject. You'll need to submit a Request to enrol in an online subject to add online subjects to your enrolment. Your request will only be approved if it complies with your student visa conditions.

If you’re studying an undergraduate course and would like to finish in the set completion time in your course Handbook, enrol in:

  • full time: 4 subjects
  • part time: 2 subjects.

Some postgraduate courses may have other study load requirements, so check your Handbook.

If you are a Commonwealth assisted student, keep in mind that you can only use Commonwealth assistance for up to 2.0 EFTSL (i.e. two years or less) worth of study per year.

You can choose to either:

  • Enrol in one subject per session.
  • Study extra subjects per session. You’ll need to get approval from your Course Director to study more than four subjects per session.

Before you vary your subject load, talk to your course director about and ask how to plan to complete your course.

You can enrol to study a short Study Link subject to either:

  • make transitioning to university easier
  • improve your skills for writing, mathematics, statistics, science and more.

Find out more about Study Link subjects and how to enrol.

To withdraw from a subject after the census date, you will need to apply using the Application for Special Consideration. Complete the form using the section for an Approved Withdrawal (AW).

Go to Special Consideration for more information on how to apply.