Re-mark of an assignment

If you are not satisfied with a mark received for an assessment item you can apply for a re-mark of the assessment.

You must submit a request for the re-mark of an assessment within seven days from when you received your assessment results.

The criteria and process to apply for a re-mark of an assessment are outlined in the Assessment Policy.

Before you apply for a re-mark of an assessment

Speak with your subject coordinator for feedback and clarification on your mark.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome or the Subject Coordinator is not available, you may submit a request for a Review of Mark.

Your application should specifically set out the grounds why you believe you've been unfairly marked against the marking criteria for the assessment.

How to submit a request

  • Go to the Student Portal
  • Search the form name "Review of Mark" and submit the request
  • You will need to include a marked copy and a blank copy of the assessment.
  • You can check the status of your request on your Student Portal.

Some important things you should know:

  • There is no fee for the review of a fail grade, however, a fee is payable for review of a passing mark, which is refunded if the review is successful.
  • If you are seeking a review of a mark for a specific in-session assessment task that was returned so late that you could not reasonably apply for a Review of Mark before final grades were released, you should apply for a Review of Grade.

What happens next

  • You can check the status of your request on your Student Portal
  • The Head of School will inform you in writing of the outcome of your application.
  • Once your grade has been reviewed by this process, no further applications for review of the grade will be considered