Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Marking Criteria and Standards


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While marking criteria and standards of performance for exams is optional, it is advisable to provide information to students about what you expect from their responses to exam questions. When you develop the information explain what skills and knowledge are expected in the exam, the quality of the answers and the topics to be covered so students are aware of what the requirements are.

Please refer to the information on developing criteria and standards for exams on the DSL Assessment and Moderation pages. The following templates may also assist in developing simple rubrics for your exams if you choose to create one.

QA Declaration

A QA Declaration must be made by an Author and QAO on the Marking criteria and standards section of each Exam Item. If this optional section has been left null, the QA Declaration must be marked ‘N/A’ or the Compliance Check will deem the declarations as incomplete.

Learn more:
Making Declarations
Cloned QA Declarations

Examples of marking criteria and standards for exams

Multiple Choice Questions

Criteria HD DI CR PS
Students will be required to complete a series of multiple choice questions (20 questions work 1 mark each) by selecting the most appropriate responses from a selection of four choices. Questions will assess student’s knowledge about…(list topics here) Or Questions will assess students skills and knowledge in …(list topics here) Select correct answers for a minimum of 85% of the multiple choice questions. Select correct answers for between 75% and 84% of the multiple choice questions. Select correct answers for between 65% and 74% of the multiple choice questions. Select correct answers for between 50% and 64% of the multiple choice questions.

Short Answer Questions

Criteria HD DI CR PS
Responses to the short answer questions demonstrate knowledge, understanding and skills of …[topics or areas assessed] To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 85%-100% for this section of the examination that consists of X short answer questions with X marks available for each. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the concepts through your descriptions, explanations and discussion of the content. To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 75%-84% for this section of the examination that consists of X short answer questions with X marks available for each. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate well-considered  knowledge of the concepts through your descriptions and explanations of the content. To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 65%-74% for this section of the examination that consists of X short answer questions with X marks available for each. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate sound knowledge of the concepts through your descriptions, explanations and discussion of the content. To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 50%-64% for this section of the examination that consists of X short answer questions with X marks available for each. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate knowledge of the concepts through your descriptions of the content.

Long Answer Questions

Criteria HD DI CR PS
Responses to the long answer questions demonstrate knowledge and understanding of …[topics/concepts drawing on skills in graphs, tables and images to illustrate and communicate knowledge] To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 85%-100% for this section of the examination that consists of X long answer questions with X marks available for each. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the concepts through your descriptions, explanations and discussion of the content. Graphs, tables and images will be correctly and clearly labelled and explanations will link to the diagrams as needed. To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 75%-84% for this section of the examination that consists of X long answer questions with X marks available for each. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate well-considered knowledge of the concepts through your descriptions and explanations of the content. Graphs, tables and images will be correctly and clearly labelled and explanations will link to the diagrams as needed. To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 65%-74% for this section of the examination that consists of X long answer questions with X marks available for each. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate sound knowledge of the concepts through your descriptions and explanations of the content. Graphs, tables and images will be labelled and descriptions will link to the diagrams as needed. To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 50%-64% for this section of the examination that consists of X long answer questions with X marks available for each. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate knowledge of the concepts through your descriptions and explanations of the content. Graphs, tables and images will be labelled.
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