Inclusive AI

The challenge

Despite the vast potential of AI to transform various aspects of our lives, its benefits are not evenly distributed. Many underrepresented groups, minorities, and people living in rural areas are often left behind due to lack of access, technological literacy, and the biases inherent in AI systems. The challenge lies in ensuring that AI technologies are inclusive, equitable, and accessible to all, regardless of their demographic, socioeconomic status, or geographical location.

Our response

We are committed to promoting Inclusive AI that serves all sectors of society. Our research involves developing AI systems that are not only sensitive to the needs and circumstances of underrepresented groups and minorities but also cater to people in rural areas who are often overlooked. We are working on AI models that consciously avoid bias and actively promote diversity and inclusivity. Additionally, our work involves creating robust strategies and infrastructures to ensure access to AI technologies in rural areas, including internet connectivity, digital literacy programs, and localised AI applications.

The goal

We aim to cultivate an AI landscape where technology is an empowering tool for all, irrespective of their background or location. Through our research, we hope to reduce biases in AI systems, increase representation and inclusion, and extend the reach of AI technologies to rural areas. We anticipate this work to result in a more equitable distribution of emerging technologies’ benefits, leading to improved social, economic, and health outcomes for traditionally marginalized or underserved groups. We are working towards an AI future where everyone can participate in and benefit from the AI revolution.

Connect and collaborate

We are looking for researchers, students, funding and partners to help take our research to the next level.