About us

Charles Sturt University is proud to lead the Southern NSW Innovation Hub, one of eight hubs being established across Australia to combat drought and form the epicentre of user-driven innovation, research and adoption and facilitate transformational change through the co-design of research, development, extension, adoption and commercialisation (RDEA&C) activities.

Based at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga, the Southern NSW Innovation Hub will enable regional stakeholders to have a voice in drought resilience activities, collaborate with experts, gain access to resources, and participate in adoption programs such as workshops, seminars and field days.


Map of the Southern NSW Region - described in text

The northern boundary of the Southern NSW Innovation Hub is described by a line from Broken Hill to Cobar, which joins the Macquarie catchment northern boundary near Quambone. We include most of the Macquarie River catchment, specifically the higher elevation areas in the upper reaches and Macquarie River-dependent irrigation areas, and lower reaches of the Darling River, south of 32 degrees latitude.

The Hub boundary follows the western and southern edges of the Hunter catchment and joins the northern edges of the Sydney Catchment near Kandos and meets the coast near the mouth of the Hawkesbury River. The Hub's southern and western boundaries are the VIC and SA state borders.

About the Australian Government Future Drought Fund

Program highlights

Economic resilience for an innovative and profitable agricultural sector.

Social resilience for resourceful and adaptable communities.

Environmental resilience for sustainable and improved functioning of farming landscapes.

Learn more about us