On-farm water management

The On-Farm Water Management project will reduce the impact of drought by farmers preparing and implementing on-farm water management plans (FWMP). These plans determine water needs (stock and domestic) and the capacity to meet these needs (dam, tank, bore).

Farmers will then implement proven on-farm actions to ensure they have adequate water in the right places across the farm (via storage and reticulation).

By managing water, drought impacts on livestock, productive pastures, soil, and natural assets, will be minimised. Production, during and recovery after drought will be improved.

These outcomes will be achieved by engaging farmers through existing regional networks, such as Holbrook Landcare and Western Murray Land Improvement Group.

FWMPs will be developed at workshops and a 1:1 follow-up session to finalise the plans.

Field days at 10 demonstration sites established across the region will provide clear examples of design options and evidence of the benefits of a FWMP.

Lead partner: Local Land Services