Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Item Number & Title

Item number

Auto-generated on clone or using the next whole number on adding the Item.



Must be authored using a plain text field limited to 50 characters including spaces.

Titles must be unique

Titles may also be used by other Charles Sturt systems and processes, e.g. EASTS, grading, etc. To prevent downstream system errors, an Outline will fail the Compliance Check if an Outline does not have unique Titles for Assessment Items. That is, there cannot be 2 or more items entitled "Essay" or "Exam". A unique identifier must be added, e.g. Essay on Indigenous Health Issues or Mid-session Exam.

Examples of titles

Use a descriptive title so that students are clear from the beginning what the end product of their task will be. If you use the term Assessment 1 but the item number is 2 it can be confusing so it's best to avoid these nondescript titles.

When giving your assessment a title, think about how it will look in the summary table. Use familiar terms. For instance, if the task requires short answer responses, call it this; if it requires a blog post or discussion forum, then name the task to correspond with the format. This helps students to become familiar with university language and expectations, and they can access support on the different assessment types by searching for the appropriate term.

Example titles that identify the task type

  • Action plan
  • Clinical exam
  • Essay
  • Laboratory report
  • Literature review
  • Mathematical calculations
  • Online quiz
  • Oral presentation
  • Research proposal
  • Reflective journal
  • Survey design
  • Teaching plan

Example titles that also identify the topic with the task

  • Arthropod Collection
  • Diverse Placement Report and Timesheet
  • Essay on Indigenous Health Issues
  • Literature Review: Eucalyptus Ecology
  • Manual Accounting Assignment
  • Parent Tutor Program
  • Plagiarism Quiz
  • Photo voice
  • Webpage: Communication development in childhood
  • Clinical skill development portfolio
  • Reflection portfolio

Charles Sturt Subject Handbook

From mid-July 2019, the Item Number, Title and Value of assessment tasks will be publicly available via the Charles Sturt Handbook. The intention is to provide prospective students with an indication of the assessment involved in a subject, as do most Australian University websites. The information will be drawn from an Outline once it is published if it is for the subject offering with the highest number of enrolments for the session. It is acknowledged that assessment tasks vary from session to session and therefore it is made very clear to prospective students that the Handbook section is a guide only. The Handbook is updated each session that the subject is offered.

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