Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Marking Criteria and Standards


Non-compliant if left null.

When you develop your marking criteria, you need to include all of the elements for criterion-referenced, standards-based assessment. Here are the essential elements:

  • Criteria are aligned with the Learning Outcomes being assessed in the task. Use similar wording to the Learning Outcome so students can clearly see the links. Additional criteria can be included to assess other elements of the task that you value.
  • Standards are developed across HD-PS for assessments with a numerical value, and for both satisfactory and unsatisfactory levels for assessments with no value.
  • Performance descriptors are written for each standard.
  • Referencing requirements are stated in the criteria and standards.

In this section refer to the marking criteria, not marking rubric or rubric as many students do not know the meaning of this term. Remember to include all of your expectations and requirements in the marking criteria in clear, unambiguous terminology, and outline the standard expected. Marking criteria should not only relate to whether the task has been answered correctly, but also how the response has been presented in terms of language and style. If you require fluent use of English and grammar, this should be included in the criteria.

QA Declaration

A QA Declaration must be made by an Author and QAO on the Marking criteria and standards section of each Assessment Item.

Learn more:
Making Declarations
Cloned QA Declarations

Marking criteria formats

Marking criteria and standards can be presented in different formats. A set of criteria and standards can be presented in either list or table format; or a combination. Formats are presented with examples below.

Table format

The most common format is a table where criteria aligned to learning outcomes are defined in the first column and the standards related to the criteria are on the right for each passing grade. A fail grade column is not required but some lecturers like to add it and it can be very helpful for the student to know what constitutes a Fail. It may also be mandated by your School or Faculty.






Identification and explanation of issue related assessment and/or intervention considerations for a client.

Answer identifies and evaluates all core and some additional considerations for entry-level assessment and/or intervention with the client, including identification, documentation, and integration of assessment and/or intervention data.

Answer identifies and analyses all core and some additional considerations for entry-level assessment and/or intervention with the client, including identification, documentation, and integration of assessment and/or intervention data.

Answer identifies and discusses all core considerations required for entry-level assessment and/or intervention with the client, including identification, documentation, and integration of assessment and/or intervention data.

Answer identifies and explains all core considerations required for entry-level assessment and/or intervention with the client, including identification, documentation, and integration of assessment and/or intervention data.

List format

A list format can also be used where criteria are listed at the top and a set of standards grouped under the grade heading. The criteria are required to be defined and not just the standards under each heading. See the Assessment Principles Policy for further information in the Section 2 - Glossary for a definition of criteria and standards.


  • Follows established criteria for the role of the mediator in the introduction to a mediation session
  • Uses effective communication skills to explain the mediation process
  • Adheres to practice standards & ethical obligations

HD standard

  • Introduces the mediator, clearly identifies and welcomes the parties, sets boundaries and expectations, covers all the essential criteria to explain the mediation process in a manner that demonstrates in-depth knowledge of the set readings and provides evidence of further research, displays a calm, confident and purposeful manner
  • Speaks clearly, displays confidence and self-awareness in posture, gestures, eye contact and vocal expressiveness, uses coherent, well-formed, grammatically correct sentences, uses neutral, non-judgemental and inclusive language that is appropriate to the audience
  • Demonstrates extensive knowledge of practice standards and ethical obligations and transmits that in a transparent way to the parties

D standard

  • Introduces the mediator, identifies and welcomes the parties, covers all the essential criteria to explain the mediation process in a manner that incorporates the major elements of the set readings, displays a calm, confident and purposeful manner
  • Speaks clearly, displays confidence in posture, gestures, eye contact and vocal expressiveness, uses well-formed, grammatically correct sentences, uses neutral, non-judgemental language
  • Demonstrates thorough knowledge of practice standards and ethical obligations

CR standard

  • Introduces the mediator, identifies the parties, covers all the essential criteria to explain the mediation process in a manner that incorporates elements of the set readings, displays a calm, confident, purposeful manner
  • Speaks clearly, displays confidence in posture, gestures, eye contact and vocal expressiveness, uses grammatically correct sentences
  • Demonstrates knowledge of practice standards and ethical obligations

PS standard

  • Introduces the mediator, identifies the parties, explains the mediation process in a straightforward manner that demonstrates an awareness of the set readings
  • Speaks clearly
  • Covers at a minimum confidentiality, impartiality and voluntariness of the mediation process

Table/List format combination

The list format can also be used in a combination list and table where the criteria are listed at the top and the grades and standards are in a table.


  • Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the role of race and racism in health care provision
  • Selects and uses appropriate terminology and respectful language (Professional Communication).





The role of race and racism in health care provision and how race and racism contribute to the current health status of Indigenous Australian peoples have been critically examined.

The role of race and racism in health care provision and how race and racism contribute to the current health status of Indigenous Australian peoples have been explained.

The role of race and racism in health care provision and how race and racism contribute to the current health status of Indigenous Australian peoples have been described.

Outlines broad and relevant content on the role of race and racism in health care provision and how race and racism contribute to the current health status of Indigenous Australian peoples.

All language and terminology uses are appropriate and informed.

Language and terminology choices allow for diversity and do not ‘generalise’ Indigenous people or cultures.

Accompanies any racial or historical terms used with an explanation.

Mostly avoids common terminology issues. Uses appropriate non-racial terms to describe groups of people.

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