Student Representative Committees (SRC)

SRC nominations are now open, and close Wednesday 31 July.

Nominate now

Student Representative Committees (SRCs) communicate your requirements and expectations to the University's leadership team.

Role of the SRCs

The SRCs ensure students' ideas, interests and concerns are heard by decision-makers in the University.

They also:

  • promote student networking opportunities
  • work towards creating a better study environment
  • organise student events
  • work on projects to improve student life
  • debate ideas in their student bodies.

Find SRCs on your campus

Get involved

If you want to make sure students' interests are heard and acted on at Charles Sturt, you may want to join your campus SRC. Each SRC has a different number of vacancies available each year.

How it works:

  • Nominations open in Week 2, Session 2 each year, and remain open for two weeks.
  • If the number of nominations doesn't exceed the number of vacancies, nominees will be elected unopposed.
  • If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies, the successful nominees will be chosen via online election.
  • SRC members are elected for a two-year term.